PELLET B Test stands for Post entry-level law enforcement battery test. The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) was created in 1959 to set the minimum requirement for training and selection of law enforcement officers in the state. The examination is backed by commission regulation of 1951, which states that all peace officers must have the basic reading and writing abilities to perform efficiently in their duties as a peace officer. PELLET B was developed to assess peace officers professionally.

What is the PELLET B test?

PELLET B exam is an aptitude test designed to measure the writing and reading skills an officer needs to succeed in their responsibilities as a peace officer in the State of California. This test focuses majorly on the language capability of the applicants. The test assesses the following;

  1. Reasoning ability: the ease of analyzing and discovering relationships in information and occurrence
  2. Reading ability: the ease with which applicants can understand and interpret written instructions
  3. Writing ability: this assesses the level of clarity in the candidate’s writing, vocabulary, and how right their spelling is.

What is the test format?

PELLET B is a two hours thirty minutes examination. The examination format is fill in the gaps and multiple-choice. Three major components examined in the tests are:

  1. Writing test: this test includes forty-five multiple-choice questions covering three sub-tests. The first sub-test is clarity. Fifteen questions are asked in this part. You are given two sentences. Your task is to select which of the sentences has more clarity.
    The spelling sub-test is the second task, and it consists of fifteen questions too. You are given sentences with omitted words. Four spellings of the same word are given in options below the sentences. Your task is to pick the correct spelling.
    The last sub-test is the vocabulary task with fifteen questions. You will get a sentence with an underlined or capitalized word. You are to pick the synonyms to the underlined words from the options you are given.
  2. Reasoning test: this test is a multiple-choice sixteen question test. You will get a group of numbers or letters presented in a sequence. Your responsibility is to analyze the numbers or letters, determine the patterns and relationships that influence the arrangement of the information.
  3. Reading test: this test is also divided into two sub-tests. The first subtest is the comprehension aspect of the reading test. It contains twenty questions. You will be given passages of varying length. You are to read the passages carefully before picking the option that best answers the questions.

What is the CLOZE test?

The CLOZE test is a sub-test of the reading ability test. You will get passages with many blank spaces. A line is used to represent the missing words. Your task is to fill the empty spaces with terms that best suits it considering the context of the passages, syntax and meaning.

How to pass the PELLET B assessment?

  • Familiarize yourself with the style of questioning.
  • Practice as much as you can.
  • Take adequate rest before the examination.
  • Read all instructions thoroughly.
  • Take your time in answering all questions. Check to ensure you answered correctly.

Example questions and answers

  1. Mr A stayed outside the club longer than Mr B. Mr C stayed outside the club less than Mr B. who stayed outside the bar the longest
    a. Mr A
    b. Mr B
    c. Mr C
    d. It is unclear
  2. Which is the correct number to complete the series? 1, 3, 5, 7, __
    a. 11
    b. 13
    c. 9

Preparing for the PELLET B Assessment?


Practicing is a proven way to score higher on your PELLET B assessment. Our partner JobTestPrep offers a full pull Prep Package to ace your assessment.

What you'll get

  • Over 900 practice questions
  • CLOZE reading test practice drills
  • 15 reading ability guides
  • 19 writing ability drills
Check out all info at