ENTJ personality type

By Dr. Edwin van Thiel

Updated on May 20, 2022

An ENTJ at a glance

Am I the ENTJ type?

Are you a natural born leader ENTJ?

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The ENTJ may be stereotypically dubbed The Commander or The Chief and will, similarly to INTP, INTJ and ENTP, typically apply analytical skills. ENTJs are natural born leaders. This motivation is so powerful that they may find it difficult not to take the lead. Their natural place is at the head of the crowd, marshalling everyone together and moving the group forward. ENTJs are rarely content to stand quietly in the background. They set high standards for themselves and others. They are continually creating a mental list of things they want to learn, accomplish and master.

An ENTJ is keenly analytical. Being logical, dispassionate and objective is as natural to them as breathing air. Problems invigorate them - they enjoy resolving them using logic and objective critical thinking- strong points of their personality. An ENTJs decisive and positive actions leaves others in the dust. They have little patience with uncertainty, inefficiency or confusion. They are not afraid to make tough-minded decisions and take hard actions. ENTJ is one out of a total of 16 types of personalities defined. The MBTI test of Myers-Briggs is known as one of the first indicators for these types.

ENTJ workstyle and contributions to an organization

Different personality types in an organization result in different skill contributions and workstyle. The following are those most widely associated with the ENTJ personality types:

  • Is a take-charge kind of person.
  • Readily and joyfully tackles confusion and inefficiencies.
  • Radiates confidence to all with whom he/she comes into contact.

An ENTJ on a team

Different times work best for each personality type. Choosing the accurate work and condition for each personality type helps in a steady and accurate workflow. Considering the ENTJ personality type, the following highlights their possible impact on a team.

  • Leadership, pure and simple.
  • Brings total dedication to a project.
  • Contributes by being goal-oriented, organized and by delivering results.

ENTJ leadership style

Leadership influence and motivation skills depend on the leader's personality type. Listed below are the ENTJ leadership approach and qualities:

  • Cannot not lead - leading is like breathing.
  • Generates energy and enthusiasm for work.
  • Objectively approaches situations, goals and the necessary tasks at hand.

Communications style

Effective communication is a key to every organization's success when two key elements are considered between individuals. How accurately individuals listen and express themselves. Being aware of how you communicate, how others communicate, or how you want them to communicate with you are significant steps in achieving greater outcomes. Your personality style and communication strategy are specific to you rather than others:

  • Is direct and pragmatic.
  • Speaks with decisiveness and authority.
  • Speaks with passion and commitment.

Problem solving

Problem-solving tactic is not equal between individuals. ENTJ, as an example, has its specific problem-solving method as listed below:

  • Knows that where there is a will, there is a way- and an ENTJ will find it.
  • Asks questions of others to help sort out his/her own thoughts.
  • Asks if there are other ways to seek solutions.

Stress Profile

Stress affects both the physical and emotional abilities of individuals. The greater the stress, the harder it is to maintain a steady workflow and relationship. Looking into strengths and blind spots, people tend to rely on their least favorite function to operate when under stressful conditions.

Stress triggers
  • A prized principle has been ignored, compromised or transgressed.
  • Accused of being cold, uncaring, or too harsh with someone.
  • Surprising expressions of strong emotion from someone they care about.
Stress profile characteristics
  • Loses their visionary, intuitive, take-charge and tough-minded abilities.
  • May be easily fatigued and find it difficult to maintain their logical thinking.
  • Taking effective action becomes hard to do.


Being in an environment that matches your preference and workstyle creates an effective situation. When a good match for your skill is not present, it becomes harder to achieve accurate results. The following are some of the work preferences of the ENTJ and key characteristics they look for or try to avoid in work. These key characteristics also indicate how an ENTJ would typically like to be managed or related.

  • Prefers situations where he/she can be in charge.
  • Prefers situations where his/her vision can be implemented.
  • Seeks efficient systems and people, or the opportunities to create such.

ENTJ Learning style

Knowing the best time to learn makes learning process easy for individuals when structuring a specific on-the-job training or classroom instruction. The ENTJ personality type learning technique is as follows:

  • Finds learning to be a turn-on and a major way to move a career forward.
  • Looks for action and variety in the classroom; avoids boredom.
  • Likes tools that reflect his/her organizational abilities such as outlines, charts, diagrams and graphs.

Opportunities for Growth

Opportunities can come from any area of our least favorite preferences as we mature. To utilize this opportunity and be balanced, it is best to pull back from favorite ways of doing things and build new skills in the least favorite preference areas. Here are some of the ENTJ personality type obvious blind spots and areas to pay attention to:

  • Slow down and back off once in a while- mistakes may occur with quick decisions.
  • Be sensitive to the needs and imperfections of human beings- sometimes others perceive you as arrogant or so task-focused that they feel slighted.
  • Learn to exercise patience with other people's work habits and time frames- you can be an intimidating, formidable force.

ENTJ: Extravert-iNtuitive-Thinker-Judger

Jung type ENTJ

  • Extraverts are outgoing, energetic and action-oriented. They are enthusiastic and expressive
  • iNtuitives pay more attention to information that is imaginative and original. iNtuitives focus on the future.
  • Thinkers make decisions using logic and impersonal analysis. They think with their heads rather than their hearts.
  • Judgers prefer a lifestyle that is decisive, planned and orderly. They like a life that is organized and controlled.

Jung personality types

There are sixteen Jung personality types. Take a free Jung personality test or learn more about the Jung typology.