Profession youth programme director

Youth programme directors develop and implement programmes and policies to improve and ensure youths' well-being. They facilitate communication with and between educational, recreational, counselling or other youth related institutions, organise events for youths and families, and promote social mobility and awareness.

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Personality Type


  • Pedagogy

    The discipline that concerns the theory and practice of education including the various instructional methods for educating individuals or groups.

  • Impact of social contexts on health

    The social and cultural contexts of individuals` behaviours, and the impact on their health within their social and cultural context.

  • Adolescent psychological development

    Understand the developments and the development needs of children and young persons, observing the behaviour and the attachment relationships in order to detect developmental delay.


  • Establish collaborative relations

    Establish a connection between organisations or individuals which may benefit from communicating with one another in order to facilitate an enduring positive collaborative relationship between both parties.

  • Maintain relations with local representatives

    Maintain good relations with representatives of the local scientific, economic and civil society.

  • Analyse goal progress

    Analyse the steps which have been taken in order to reach the organisation's goals in order to assess the progress which has been made, the feasibility of the goals, and to ensure the goals can be met according to deadlines.

  • Maintain relationships with government agencies

    Establish and maintain cordial working relationships with peers in different governmental agencies.

  • Promote social change

    Promote changes in relationships between individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities by taking into consideration and coping with unpredictable changes, at the micro, macro and mezzo level.

  • Analyse community needs

    Identify and respond to specific social problems in a community, delineating the extent of the problem and outline the level of resources required to address it and identifying the existing community assets and resources that are available to address the problem.

  • Develop a pedagogical concept

    Develop a specific concept that describes the educational principles on which the organisation is based, and the values and behaviour patterns it advocates.

  • Promote the safeguarding of young people

    Understand safeguarding and what should be done in cases of actual or potential harm or abuse.

  • Liaise with local authorities

    Maintain the liaison and exchange of information with regional or local authorities.

  • Promote social awareness

    Promote the understanding of dynamics of social relationships between individuals, groups, and communities. Promote the importance of human rights, and positive social interaction, and the inclusion of social awareness in education.

Optional knowledge and skills

show intercultural awareness communicate on the youth's well-being develop educational resources communicate with media apply strategic thinking set organisational policies develop professional network work within communities propose leisure activities budgetary principles present reports train employees government policy implementation project management principles delegate activities build community relations perform project management manage staff

Source: Sisyphus ODB