Profession wood painter
Wood painters design and create visual art on wooden surfaces and objects such as furniture, figurines and toys. They use a variety of techniques to produce decorative illustrations ranging from stenciling to free-hand drawing.
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Personality Type
- Intellectual property law
The regulations that govern the set of rights protecting products of the intellect from unlawful infringement.
- Contextualise artistic work
Identify influences and situate your work within a specific trend which may be of an artistic, aesthetic, or philosophical natures. Analyse the evolution of artistic trends, consult experts in the field, attend events, etc.
- Work independently as an artist
Develop one's own ways of doing artistic performances, motivating oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to get things done.
- Gather reference materials for artwork
Gather samples of the materials you expect to use in the creation process, especially if the desired piece of art necessitates the intervention of qualified workers or specific production processes.
- Use painting techniques
Apply painting techniques such as 'trompe l'oeil', 'faux finishing' and aging techniques.
- Use artistic materials for drawing
Use artistic materials such as paint, paintbrushes, ink, watercolours, charcoal, oil, or computer software to create artwork.
- Develop visual elements
Imagine and apply visual elements such as line, space, colour, and mass to express emotions or ideas.
- Submit preliminary artwork
Submit preliminary artwork or art project plans to clients for approval, leaving room for additional suggestions and changes.
- Select artistic materials to create artworks
Select artistic materials based on strength, colour, texture, balance, weight, size, and other characteristics that should guarantee the feasibility of the artistic creation regarding the expected shape, color, etc. - even thought the result might vary from it. Artistic materials such as paint, ink, water colours, charcoal, oil, or computer software can be used as much as garbage, living products (fruits, etc) and any kind of material depending on the creative project.
- Create artwork
Cut, shape, fit, join, mould, or otherwise manipulate materials in an attempt to create a selected artwork - be the technical processes not mastered by the artist or used as a specialist.
- Articulate artistic proposal
Identify the essence of an artistic project. Identify strong points to be promoted in order of priority. Identify the target audience and the communication media. Communicate key ideas and adapt them to the selected media.
- Create sketches
Draw sketches to prepare for a drawing or as a standalone artistic technique.
- Maintain an artistic portfolio
Maintain portfolios of artistic work to show styles, interests, abilities and realisations.
- Create original paintings
Create paintings, drawing from your experience, inspiration and techniques.
Optional knowledge and skills
collaborate with technical experts on artworks study artistic techniques develop artistic project budgets decorate furniture paint spraying techniques home decoration techniques paint surfaces types of wood define set painting methods create 2d painting study artworks sand wood define artistic approach use genre painting techniques select artistic productions stain wood dye wood prepare furniture for application of paint paint sets paint decorative designs confer on artworkSource: Sisyphus ODB