Profession water engineer
Water engineers research and develop methods for the provision of clean water, water treatment and flood damage prevention and reaction. They research water needs in a location and develop methods for meeting those needs, such as designing and developing projects for managing water resources such as treatment plants, pipelines, pump systems, irrigation or draining systems and other water supply systems. Water engineers also ensure proper installation of these systems on construction sites. Water engineers also maintain, repair and build structures that control water resources, such as bridges, canals and dams.
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Personality Type
- Engineering processes
The systematic approach to the development and maintenance of engineering systems.
- Flood remediation equipment
The operation of the necessary tools and equipment used in flood damage and remediation activities, such as pumping flooded properties.
- Engineering principles
The engineering elements like functionality, replicability, and costs in relation to the design and how they are applied in the completion of engineering projects.
- Hydraulic fluid
The various types, qualities and applications of hydraulic fluids used in metalworking processes such as forging and moulding, consisting out of mineral oils and water.
- Technical drawings
Drawing software and the various symbols, perspectives, units of measurement, notation systems, visual styles and page layouts used in technical drawings.
- Hydraulics
The power transmission systems that use the force of flowing liquids to transmit power.
- Types of pipelines
Know various types of pipelines and their different usages. Differentiate between pipelines used to transport goods over short and long distances, and understand their respective feeding systems.
- Landscape design
Understand landscape design and maintenance.
- Water reuse
Principles of water re-use processes in complex circulation systems.
- Water policies
Have a solid understanding of policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations concerning water.
- Interpret scientific data to assess water quality
Analyse and interpret data like biological properties to know the quality of water.
- Perform scientific research
Gain, correct or improve knowledge about phenomena by using scientific methods and techniques, based on empirical or measurable observations.
- Detect flaws in pipeline infrastructure
Detect flaws in pipeline infrastructure during construction or over the passage of time such as construction defects, corrosion, ground movement, hot-tap made by error, and others.
- Analyse community needs
Identify and respond to specific social problems in a community, delineating the extent of the problem and outline the level of resources required to address it and identifying the existing community assets and resources that are available to address the problem.
- Approve engineering design
Give consent to the finished engineering design to go over to the actual manufacturing and assembly of the product.
- Use technical drawing software
Create technical designs and technical drawings using specialised software.
- Lead a team in water management
Direct a team in water management projects and guide each other to the common goal of completing and fulfilling a variety of assignments and tasks.
- Ensure compliance with environmental legislation
Monitor activities and perform tasks ensuring compliance with standards involving environmental protection and sustainability, and amend activities in the case of changes in environmental legislation. Ensure that the processes are compliant with environment regulations and best practices.
- Advise on irrigation projects
Advise on the construction of irrigation projects. Review contractor orders to ensure the compatibility of the design with installation concepts and pre-existent grounds master plan. Monitor the contractor's work.
- Develop flood remediation strategies
Develop plans and design equipment for the prevention of floods and efficient aid in the event of a flood, by assessing the risks, identifying improvements in existing strategies, and designing new strategies in flood remediation.
- Adjust engineering designs
Adjust designs of products or parts of products so that they meet requirements.
- Create designs for pipeline engineering
Design pipeline infrastructure considering engineering principles. Create blueprints, measure sites, define materials, and present functional proposals for their construction.
- Conserve water resource
Strive to conserve ground irrigation water. Meet with water conservation agencies and liaise with management on developments in conservation policy.
- Ensure compliance with safety legislation
Implement safety programmes to comply with national laws and legislation. Ensure that equipment and processes are compliant with safety regulations.
Optional knowledge and skills
manage desalination control system design dams consider the impact of material characteristics on pipeline flows develop water supply schedule follow up pipeline integrity management priorities perform water chemistry analysis design weirs measure water quality parameters develop sewerage networks environmental engineering supervise waste disposal develop environmental remediation strategies survey sites for pipeline installation design sprinkler systems manage water quality testing develop watering schedules livestock monitor water quality supervise sewerage systems construction use water disinfection equipment ensure equipment maintenance perform water testing procedures ecosystems conserve natural resources perform pipeline routing studies install sprinkler systems develop irrigation strategies perform water treatment procedures develop water purification methods irrigation systems perform follow-up on pipeline route services monitor legislation developments compute irrigation pressure design piers water chemistry analysis design drainage well systems supervise waste water treatments advise on soil and water protection advise on pollution prevention advise on environmental remediation mitigate environmental impact of pipeline projects maintain irrigation controllers provide training identify risk of flooding ensure regulatory compliance in pipeline infrastructures prepare timelines for pipeline development projects analyse route possibilities in pipeline projects pollution prevention inspect pipelinesSource: Sisyphus ODB