Profession vocational teacher

vocational teacher

Vocational education teachers teach or instruct subjects at in vocational education.

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Personality Type

Tasks vocational teacher

  • Prepare course programs, course materials, exams etc.
  • Prepare meetings with students (e.g. lectures, demonstrations, seminars, laboratory sessions).
  • Determine training needs of students and adjust the approach accordingly.
  • Guide on-the-job training, training sessions and internships.
  • Instruct students individually and in groups, using various teaching methods (e.g. lectures, discussions, demonstrations, supervised practices).
  • Establish and enforce rules of behaviour and procedures for maintaining order among the students.
  • Grade students' work, such as exams, assignments and papers.
  • Evaluate and report on student' performance and behavior.
  • Keep abreast of developments in their field, e.g. by reading current literature, talking with colleagues and participating in professional conferences.
  • Participate in staff meetings.
  • Confer with work organizations to establish internships.
  • Evaluate and, if necessary, revise curricula, course content, course materials, methods of instruction, etc.

Related professions vocational teaching

  • Vocational education institution manager
  • Vocational education teacher agricultural and veterinary subjects
  • Vocational education teacher computer sciences and mathematics
  • Vocational education teacher economics, business and management subjects
  • Vocational education teacher education science and teacher training
  • Vocational education teacher engineering, manufacturing and construction
  • Vocational education teacher general programs, no specific field
  • Vocational education teacher health and welfare subjects
  • Vocational education teacher humanities, languages and arts
  • Vocational education teacher law and public administration
  • Vocational education teacher natural and life sciences
  • Vocational education teacher social work, social science
  • Vocational education teacher, other subjects


  • Assessment processes

    Various evaluation techniques, theories, and tools applicable in the assessment of students, participants in a programme, and employees. Different assessment strategies such as initial, formative, summative and self- assessment are used for varying purposes.


  • Assess students

    Evaluate the students' (academic) progress, achievements, course knowledge and skills through assignments, tests, and examinations. Diagnose their needs and track their progress, strengths, and weaknesses. Formulate a summative statement of the goals the student achieved.

  • Give constructive feedback

    Provide founded feedback through both criticism and praise in a respectful, clear, and consistent manner. Highlight achievements as well as mistakes and set up methods of formative assessment to evaluate work.

  • Observe student's progress

    Follow up on students’ learning progress and assess their achievements and needs.

  • Apply intercultural teaching strategies

    Ensure that the content, methods, materials and the general learning experience is inclusive for all students and takes into account the expectations and experiences of learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. Explore individual and social stereotypes and develop cross-cultural teaching strategies.

  • Assist students in their learning

    Support and coach students in their work, give learners practical support and encouragement.

  • Adapt instruction to labour market

    Identify developments in the labour market and recognise their relevance to the training of students.

  • Guarantee students' safety

    Ensure all students falling under an instructor or other person’s supervision are safe and accounted for. Follow safety precautions in the learning situation.

  • Work in vocational school

    Work in a vocational school that instructs students in practical courses.

  • Adapt teaching to student's capabilities

    Identify the learning struggles and successes of students. Select teaching and learning strategies that support students’ individual learning needs and goals.

  • Apply teaching strategies

    Employ various approaches, learning styles, and channels to instruct students, such as communicating content in terms they can understand, organising talking points for clarity, and repeating arguments when necessary. Use a wide range of teaching devices and methodologies appropriate to the class content, the learners' level, goals, and priorities.

Optional knowledge and skills

implement fundamentals of nursing develop course outline health and safety measures in transportation physical characteristics of railways energy teamwork principles travel bookings processes track geometry tourism market sports competition information common aviation safety regulations assist students with equipment food hygiene rules teach energy principles sporting equipment usage geographic areas instruct on safety measures teach transport technology principles cosmetics deal with emergency care situations respond to changing situations in health care promote a positive image of nursing distinguish various types of ships general medicine cosmetics industry functional properties of foods manage student relationships geographical areas relevant to tourism work with virtual learning environments electronics control the performance of the vehicle teach driving practices teach boating principles drive vehicles teach hospitality principles skin types park vehicles document management human physiology teach tourism principles human anatomy material mechanics assign homework motivate in sports teach industrial arts principles curriculum objectives personalise sports programme customer service teach flying practices aircraft flight control systems sport games rules learning difficulties teach customer service techniques health care occupation-specific ethics facilitate teamwork between students biosafety in biomedical laboratory perform classroom management teach electricity principles locomotive brake applications road traffic laws hair business law copyright legislation food preservation global maritime distress and safety system international regulations for preventing collisions at sea sales activities vessel safety equipment european food safety policy perform defensive driving provide lesson materials monitor developments in field of expertise local area tourism industry teach train driving principles direct the preparation of food manage resources for educational purposes hygiene in a health care setting economics disability types use different communication channels mechanics of trains ensure vehicle operability ensure student welfare mechanical components of vehicles operate marine communication systems train operating procedures design principles accounting deliver presentations on tourism operate cockpit control panels health care legislation passenger transport regulations recognise abnormalities on board maritime transportation technology sterilization techniques food allergies instruct in sport teach medical laboratory technology principles maintenance and repair electricity prepare lesson content financial management marketing principles

Source: Sisyphus ODB