Profession underground miner

Underground miners perform a wide range of ancillary underground mining operations such as inspections, conveyor attendance and the transport of equipment and consumable materials from the surface to the point of extraction underground.

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Personality Type


  • Health and safety hazards underground

    The rules and risks affecting health and safety when working underground. 

  • Impact of geological factors on mining operations

    Be aware of the impact of geological factors, such as faults and rock movements, on mining operations.


  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Operate a range of underground mining equipment

    Operate underground mining equipment, such as ventilation and transport systems.

  • Troubleshoot

    Identify operating problems, decide what to do about it and report accordingly.

  • Perform minor repairs to equipment

    Conduct routine maintenance on equipment. Recognise and identify minor defects in equipment and make repairs if appropriate.

  • Operate hydraulic pumps

    Operate hydraulic pumping systems.

  • Operate mining tools

    Operate and maintain a wide range of hand-held and powered mining tools and equipment.

  • Address problems critically

    Identify the strengths and weaknesses of various abstract, rational concepts, such as issues, opinions, and approaches related to a specific problematic situation in order to formulate solutions and alternative methods of tackling the situation.

Optional knowledge and skills

geology electricity mechanics operate drilling equipment react to events in time-critical environments

Source: Sisyphus ODB