Profession typist

Typists operate computers to type and revise documents and compile material to be typed, such as correspondence, reports, statistical tables, forms, and audios. They read instructions accompanying material or follow verbal instructions to determine requirements such as number of copies needed, priority and desired format.

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Personality Type


  • Company policies

    The set of rules that govern the activity of a company.

  • Transcription methods

    The methods to quickly transcribe spoken language into text, such as stenography.


  • Align content with form

    Align form and content to make sure they fit together.

  • Type error-free documents

    Type documents and written content in general avoiding any grammatical or spelling errors. Type documents in a fast pace without compromising the quality of the outcome.

  • Draft corporate emails

    Prepare, compile, and write mails with the adequate information and an appropriate language to make internal or external communications.

  • Apply grammar and spelling rules

    Apply the rules of spelling and grammar and ensure consistency throughout texts.

  • Pose questions referring to documents

    Revise and formulate questions in regards to documents in general. Investigate about the completeness, confidentiality measures, style of the document, and specific instructions to handle documents.

  • Use free typing techniques

    Know, use and write documents, texts and content in general without looking at the keyboard. Use techniques to write documents in such fashion.

  • Decode handwritten texts

    Analyse, understand, and read handwritten texts with different writing styles. Analyse the overall message of texts to ensure coherence in the understanding.

  • Provide written content

    Communicate information in written form via digital or print media according to the needs of the target group. Structure the content according to specifications and standards. Apply grammar and spelling rules.

  • Use dictionaries

    Use glossaries and dictionaries to search for the meaning, the spelling, and synonyms of words.

  • Use microsoft office

    Possess the ability to work with the standard programs contained in Microsoft Office at a capable level. Create a document and do basic formatting, insert page breaks, create headers or footers, and insert graphics, create automatically generated tables of contents and merge form letters from a database of addresses (usually in Excel). Create auto-calculating spreadsheets, create images, and sort and filter data tables.

Optional knowledge and skills

translate keywords into full texts operate audio equipment stenography use stenotype machines write meeting reports maintain customer records audio technology integrate content into output media digitise documents ensure proper document management compile content content development processes perform office routine activities use shorthand computer program type texts from audio sources use shorthand

Source: Sisyphus ODB