Profession title closer

Title closers handle and investigate all documentation needed for a property sale including the contracts, settlement statements, mortgages, title insurance policies, etc. They ensure compliance with legal requirements and review all the fees related to the real estate sales process.

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Related professions real estate

  • Investment advisor
  • Property agent


  • Mortgage loans

    The financial system of acquiring money by property owners or prospective property owners, in which the loan is secured on the property itself so that the property can be repossessed by the lender in the absence of payments due by the borrower.

  • Types of insurance

    The various types of risk or loss transfer policies that exist and their characteristics, such as health insurance, car insurance or life insurance.

  • Insurance law

    The law and legislation concerning the policies of transferring risks or losses from one party, the insured, to another, the insurer, in exchange for a periodic payment. This includes the regulation of insurance claims and the business of insurance.

  • Contract law

    The field of legal principles that govern written agreements between parties concerning the exchange of goods or services, including contractual obligations and termination.

  • Concurrent estate

    The concept in property law which stipulates the rights and duties of two parties co-owning a property, and the various ways in which co-tenancy is possible.

  • Risk management

    The process of identifying, assessing, and prioritising of all types of risks and where they could come from, such as natural causes, legal changes, or uncertainty in any given context, and the methods on dealing with risks effectively.

  • Property law

    The law and legislation that regulates all the different ways to handle property, such as the types of property, how to handle property disputes and property contract rules.


  • Obtain financial information

    Gather information on securities, market conditions, governmental regulations and the financial situation, goals and needs of clients or companies.

  • Examine mortgage loan documents

    Examine documents from mortgage borrowers or from financial institutions, such as banks or credit unions, relating to a loan secured on a property in order to examine the payment history of the loan, the financial state of the bank or borrower, and other relevant information in order to assess the further course of action.

  • Monitor title procedures

    Monitor the bundle of rights of a property and investigate all the parties involved in the current procedure, such as the transfer of a deed in the transfer of ownership of a property or the provision of all the documents serving as evidence of title, to ensure that all documentation and procedures occur according to legislation and contractual agreements.

  • Collect property financial information

    Collect information concerning the previous transactions involving the property, such as the prices at which the property had been previously sold and the costs that went into renovations and repairs, in order to obtain a clear image of the property's value.

  • Analyse insurance risk

    Analyse the probability and size of the risk that is to be insured, and estimate the value of movable or immovable property of the client.

  • Perform contract compliance audits

    Execute a thorough contract compliance audit, ensuring that goods or services are being delivered in a correct and timely fashion, checking for clerical errors or missed credits and discounts and starting procedures for cash recovery.

  • Review closing procedures

    Review the documentation and gather information on the closing process of assets trading, the step in which the ownership is officially transferred from one party to another, in order to verify whether all the procedures were compliant with legislation and that all contractual agreements were followed.

  • Analyse loans

    Examine and analyse the loans provided to organisations and individuals through different forms of credit such as overdraft protection, export packing credit, term loan, and purchase of commercial bills.

Optional knowledge and skills

handle financial disputes insolvency law liaise with local authorities real estate market examine credit ratings analyse insurance needs communicate with banking professionals manage contract disputes insurance market interview bank loanees register deeds consult credit score

Source: Sisyphus ODB