Profession textile dyer

Textile dyers tend dye machines making sure that the setting of machines are in place. They prepare chemicals, dyes, dye baths and solutions according to formulas. They make samples by dyeing textiles and calculating the necessary formulas and dyes all kind of yarn or and textiles.

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Personality Type


  • Dyeing technology

    Processes involved in textile dyeing using different dyeing technologies. Also, addition of colours to textile materials using dye stuffs.

  • Textile finishing technology

    Processes used for changing the properties of textile materials. This includes operating, monitoring and maintaining textile finishing machines.

  • Challenging issues in the textile industry

    The efficiency aims and environmental issues posed by challenges in the textile industry.


  • Maintain work standards

    Maintaining standards of work in order to improve and acquire new skills and work methods.

  • Design yarns

    Developing structural and colour effects in yarns and threads by using yarn and thread manufacturing techniques.

  • Tend textile drying machines

    Operate textile drying machines keeping efficiency and productivity at high levels.

  • Tend textile dyeing machines

    Operate textile dyeing machines keeping efficiency and productivity at high levels.

  • Tend textile washing machines

    Operate textile washing machines keeping efficiency and productivity at high levels.

Optional knowledge and skills

conduct textile testing operations textile chemistry properties of fabrics health and safety in the textile industry

Source: Sisyphus ODB