Profession technical sales representative in machinery and industrial equipment

Technical sales representatives in machinery and industrial equipment act for a business to sell its merchandise while providing technical insight for customers.

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Personality Type


  • Sales promotion techniques

    The techniques used to persuade customers to purchase a product or a service.

  • Characteristics of products

    The tangible characteristics of a product such as its materials, properties and functions, as well as its different applications, features, use and support requirements.

  • Types of maritime vessels

    Know a large variety of maritime vessels and their characteristics and specifications. Use that knowledge to ensure that all security, technical, and maintenance measures are taken into account in their supply.

  • Types of aircraft

    The various types of aircraft, their functionalities, properties and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Characteristics of services

    The characteristics of a service that might include having acquired information about its application, function, features, use and support requirements.

  • Product comprehension

    The offered products, their functionalities, properties and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Machinery products

    The offered machinery products their functionalities, properties and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Industrial tools

    The tools and equipment used for industrial purposes, both power and hand tools, and their various uses.


  • Have computer literacy

    Utilise computers, IT equipment and modern day technology in an efficient way.

  • Ensure customer focus

    Attitude that puts customers at the centre of the business in all cases.

  • Produce sales reports

    Maintain records of calls made and products sold over a given time frame, including data regarding sales volumes, number of new accounts contacted and the costs involved.

  • Implement marketing strategies

    Implement strategies which aim to promote a specific product or service, using the developed marketing strategies.

  • Keep records on sales

    Keep records of the activities of the sales of products and services, tracking which products and services were sold when and maintaining customer records, in order to facilitate improvements in the sales department.

  • Keep records of customer interaction

    Recording details of inquiries, comments and complaints received from customers, as well as actions to be taken.

  • Maintain relationship with customers

    Build a lasting and meaningful relationship with customers in order to ensure satisfaction and fidelity by providing accurate and friendly advice and support, by delivering quality products and services and by supplying after-sales information and service.

  • Demonstrate motivation for sales

    Show incentives that drive someone to reach sales goals and business targets.

  • Record customers' personal data

    Gather and record customers' personal data into the system; obtain all signatures and documents required for rental.

  • Implement customer follow-up

    Implement strategies that ensures post-sale follow up of customer satisfaction or loyalty regarding one's product or service.

  • Communicate with customers

    Respond to and communicate with customers in the most efficient and appropriate manner to enable them to access the desired products or services, or any other help they may require.

  • Demonstrate products' features

    Demonstrate how to use a product in a correct and safe manner, provide customers with information on the product's main features and benefits, explain operation, correct use and maintenance. Persuade potential customers to purchase items.

  • Answer requests for quotation

    Make up prices and documents for the products that customers may purchase.

  • Ensure compliance with legal requirements

    Guarantee compliance with established and applicable standards and legal requirements such as specifications, policies, standards or law for the goal that organisations aspire to achieve in their efforts.

  • Prioritise tasks

    Organise tasks according to their priority.

  • Supervise sales activities

    Monitor and oversee the activities related to the ongoing sales in the shop to ensure that sales goals are met, assess areas for improvement, and identify or solve problems that customers could encounter.

  • Guarantee customer satisfaction

    Handle customer expectations in a professional manner, anticipating and addressing their needs and desires. Provide flexible customer service to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Apply technical communication skills

    Explain technical details to non-technical customers, stakeholders, or any other interested parties in a clear and concise manner.

  • Implement sales strategies

    Carry out the plan to gain competitive advantage on the market by positioning the company's brand or product and by targeting the right audience to sell this brand or product to.

  • Provide customer follow-up services

    Register, follow-up, solve and respond to customer requests, complaints and after-sales services.

  • Respond to customers' inquiries

    Answer customers' questions about itineraries, rates and reservations in person, by mail, by e-mail and on the phone.

  • Prospect new customers

    Initiate activities in order to attract new and interesting customers. Ask for recommendations and references, find places where potential customers can be located.

  • Use customer relationship management software

    Use specialised software to manage company’s interactions with current and future customers. Organise, automate and synchronise sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support, to increase targeted sales.

  • Contact customers

    Contact customers by telephone in order to respond to inquiries or to notify them of claim investigation results or any planned adjustments.

Source: Sisyphus ODB