Profession surface treatment operator

Surface treatment operators apply chemicals and paint to the material surface in order to protect against corrosion. They calculate the materials needed for surface protection.

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Personality Type


  • Material mechanics

    The behaviour of solid objects when subjected to stresses and strains, and the methods to calculate these stresses and strains.

  • Corrosion types

    The various types of oxidation reactions with the environment, such as rusting, copper pitting, stress cracking, and others.

  • Quality standards

    The national and international requirements, specifications and guidelines to ensure that products, services and processes are of good quality and fit for purpose.


  • Read engineering drawings

    Read the technical drawings of a product made by the engineer in order to suggest improvements, make models of the product or operate it.

  • Apply health and safety standards

    Adhere to standards of hygiene and safety established by respective authorities.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear

    Wear relevant and necessary protective gear, such as protective goggles or other eye protection, hard hats, safety gloves.

  • Read standard blueprints

    Read and comprehend standard blueprints, machine, and process drawings.

  • Work with chemicals

    Handle chemicals and select specific ones for certain processes. Be aware of the reactions which arise from combining them.

Optional knowledge and skills

electroplating maintain equipment anodising process tend surface grinding machine mix chemicals tend electroplating machine dip-coating process monitor painting operations tend dip tank tend anodising machine industrial paint

Source: Sisyphus ODB