Profession sports instructor

Sports coaches, instructors and officials work with amateur and professional sportspersons to enhance performance, encourage greater participation in sport, and organise and officiate in sporting events according to established rules.

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Personality Type

Related professions sports

  • Fitness instructor
  • Golf caddie
  • Instructor, all other sports
  • Outdoor adventure guide
  • Professional sportsperson
  • Recreation program worker for sports
  • Ski instructor
  • Sports agent
  • Sports centre manager
  • Sports official
  • Sports referee
  • Swimming instructor
  • Ticket collector


  • Plan sports instruction programme

    Provide participants with an appropriate programme of activities to support progression to the required level of expertise in the specified time taking into account relevant scientific and sport-specific knowledge.

  • Promote balance between rest and activity

    Provide information about the role of rest and regeneration in the development of sport performance. Foster rest and regeneration by providing appropriate ratios of training, competition and rest.

  • Apply risk management in sports

    Manage the environment and athletes or participants to minimise their chances of suffering any harm. This includes checking appropriateness of venue and equipment and gathering relevant sport and health history from athletes or participants. It also includes ensuring appropriate insurance cover is in place at all times

  • Personalise sports programme

    Observe and evaluate individual performance and determine personal needs and motivation to tailor programmes accordingly and in conjunction with the participant

  • Maintain working relationships

    Ensure effective working relationships with colleagues and others. Maintain them over long periods of time.

  • Demonstrate professional attitude to clients

    Demonstrate responsibility and professional duty of care to clients which will include communication skills and a focus of customer care orientation.

  • Perform self-assessment

    Effectively, regularly and systematically reflect on own actions, performance, and attitudes, and make necessary adjustments, seeking professional development opportunities to plug knowledge and practice gaps in identified areas.

  • Organise sporting environment

    Organise people and the environment to achieve desired objectives safely and efficiently.

  • Maintain customer service

    Keep the highest possible customer service and make sure that the customer service is at all times performed in a professional way. Help customers or participants feel at ease and support special requirements.

  • Instruct in sport

    Provide appropriate technical and tactical instruction related to the given sport using varied and sound pedagogical approaches to meet the needs of the participants and achieve the desired objectives. This requires skills such as communication, explanation, demonstration, modelling, feedback, questioning and correction.

Optional knowledge and skills

work with different target groups support sport in media

Source: Sisyphus ODB