Profession sophrologist

Sophrologists aim to reduce their clients` stress and produce optimal health and well-being by applying a dynamic relaxation method which consists of a specific set of physical and mental exercises on a doctor's order.

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Personality Type


  • Human physiology

    The science that studies the human organs and its interactions and mechanisms.

  • Sophrology

    The principles and techniques such as concentration, deep breathing, relaxation and visualisation designed to bring the consciousness in harmony with the body.

  • Breathing techniques

    The various techniques to control the voice, body, and nerves by breathing.

  • Human anatomy

    The dynamic relationship of human structure and function and the muscosceletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, integumentary and nervous systems; normal and altered anatomy and physiology throughout the human lifespan.

  • Types of aromatherapy treatments

    Field of information which distinguishes a variety of ways to apply aromatherapy treatment, such as massages, inhalers, baths, vaporizers, compresses, diffusers, meditiation or deodorizers.

  • Relaxation techniques

    The various methods and techniques used to alleviate stress and bring peace and relaxation to the body and mind. This includes activities such as yoga, qigong or t`ai chi.

  • Acupuncture methods

    Techniques and methods used to normalise the flow of Qi energy in the body for relieving pain and related symptoms by applying various specific types of needles into different acupuncture points.

  • Phytotherapy

    The characteristics, the effects and the use of herbal medicines.

  • Supervision of persons

    The act of directing one individual or a group of individuals in a certain activity.

  • Movement techniques

    The various types of movement and physical postures undertaken for relaxation, body-mind integration, stress reduction, flexibility, core support and rehabilitation purposes, and that are required for or underpin occupational performance.

  • Complementary and alternative medicine

    Medical practices which are not part of the standard care in healthcare.


  • Apply acupuncture

    Use procedures involving the stimulation of anatomical points on the body by a variety of techniques, such as penetrating the skin with thin, metallic needles manipulated by the hands or by electrical stimulation in order to relieve pain or achieve other therapeutic benefits.

  • Apply context specific clinical competences

    Apply professional and evidence based assessment, goal setting, delivery of intervention and evaluation of clients, taking into account the developmental and contextual history of the clients, within one`s own scope of practice.

  • Promote balance between rest and activity

    Provide information about the role of rest and regeneration in the development of sport performance. Foster rest and regeneration by providing appropriate ratios of training, competition and rest.

  • Listen actively

    Give attention to what other people say, patiently understand points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times; able to listen carefully the needs of customers, clients, passengers, service users or others, and provide solutions accordingly.

  • Prepare exercise session

    Prepare equipment and facilities for the session ensuring compliance with industry and national guidelines for normal operating procedures. Plan timings and sequences for the session.

  • Maintain work area cleanliness

    Keep the working area and equipment clean and orderly.

  • Promote healthy lifestyle

    Provide information to clients about the role of physical activity, modes of exercise and related services and the importance of healthy activities for daily living.

  • Empathise with the healthcare user

    Understand the background of clients` and patients’ symptoms, difficulties and behaviour. Be empathetic about their issues; showing respect and reinforcing their autonomy, self-esteem and independence. Demonstrate a concern for their welfare and handle according to the personal boundaries, sensitivities, cultural differences and preferences of the client and patient in mind.

  • Observe healthcare users

    Observe healthcare users and record significant conditions and reactions to drugs, treatments, and significant incidents, notifying a supervisor or physician when required.

  • Deliver sophrology exercises

    Teach sophrology exercises and attend to individual and group sessions, adapting them according to each persons' abilities and needs.

  • Follow-up on healthcare users' treatment

    Review and evaluate the progress of the prescribed treatment, taking further decisions with the healthcare users and their carers.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Prepare sophrology session

    Plan and prepare the equipment and facilities for the sophrology session and plan timings and sequences for the session, creating a relaxing and comforting environment.

  • Ensure safety of healthcare users

    Make sure that healthcare users are being treated professionally, effectively and safe from harm, adapting techniques and procedures according to the person's needs, abilities or the prevailing conditions.

  • Develop therapeutic relationships

    Maintain the individual therapeutic relationship to engage the individual's innate healing capacities, to achieve active collaboration in the health education and healing process and to maximise the potential of healthy change.

  • Attend to sophrology clients

    Observe participants` breathing and relaxation techniques, giving feedback, correcting when needed and guaranteeing that sufficient personal attention is provided to each participant in the sophrology session.

  • Provide health education

    Provide evidence based strategies to promote healthy living, disease prevention and management.

  • Prescribe exercises

    Provide a range of exercise programmes in accordance with the needs of the clients by applying principles of exercise programming.

  • Apply aromatherapy

    Use the therapeutic benefits of essential oils to produce massage blends, cream or lotions and help improve the physical and emotional health and well-being.

Optional knowledge and skills

be in touch with your body ensure safety of exercise environment demonstrate professional attitude to clients homeopathy remedies behavioural disorders promote mental health provide preparation for childbirth neurophysiology first aid homeopathy behavioural therapy general medicine advise on mental health direct movement experiences inform clients of healthy lifestyle benefits safely instruct about fitness

Source: Sisyphus ODB