Profession sculptor
Sculptors may use a wide variety of materials to create sculptures, such as stone, clay, glass, wood, plaster, or any material of their choice. Those materials can be carved, modelled, moulded, cast, wrought, welded, and so on, in order to reach the desired shape.
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Personality Type
- Intellectual property law
The regulations that govern the set of rights protecting products of the intellect from unlawful infringement.
- Labour legislation
Legislation, on a national or international level, that governs labour conditions in various fields between labour parties such as the government, employees, employers, and trade unions.
- Monitor art scene developments
Monitor artistic events, trends, and other developments. Read recent art publications in order to develop ideas and to keep in touch with relevant art world activities.
- Research sculpture trends
Research sculpting trends and disruption, in order to keep up with current researches and design evolutions.
- Select artistic materials to create artworks
Select artistic materials based on strength, colour, texture, balance, weight, size, and other characteristics that should guarantee the feasibility of the artistic creation regarding the expected shape, color, etc. - even thought the result might vary from it. Artistic materials such as paint, ink, water colours, charcoal, oil, or computer software can be used as much as garbage, living products (fruits, etc) and any kind of material depending on the creative project.
- Study artworks
Study styles, techniques, colours, textures, and materials used in works of art.
- Create sculptures
Create decorative sculptures by hand, using a variety of techniques and materials.
- Create artwork
Cut, shape, fit, join, mould, or otherwise manipulate materials in an attempt to create a selected artwork - be the technical processes not mastered by the artist or used as a specialist.
- Study artistic techniques
Study a variety of artistic techniques and learn how to apply them in concrete artistic projects.
- Create model
Create a model in preparation for a work of art.
- Maintain an artistic portfolio
Maintain portfolios of artistic work to show styles, interests, abilities and realisations.
- Design objects to be crafted
Sketch, draw or design sketches and drawings from memory, live models, manufactured products or reference materials in the process of crafting and sculpting.
Optional knowledge and skills
keep records of work progress create sculpture prototype submit preliminary artwork confer on artwork collaborate with technical experts on artworks participate in artistic mediation activitiesSource: Sisyphus ODB