Profession rubber goods assembler

Rubber goods assemblers manufacture rubber products such as water bottles, swim fins, and rubber gloves. They fasten ferrules, buckles, and straps to rubber goods, and also wrap fabric tape around closures and ferrules.

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Personality Type


  • Brush rubber cement

    Brush rubber cement on closures and valves or on the sides of the already processed rubber plies.

  • Use tools for castings repair

    Construct and repair castings and equipment using hand tools, machine tools, and measuring instruments. Safely carry out emergency or temporary repairs. Take measures to ensure a safe working environment.

  • Apply fabric tape

    Apply fabric tape around closures and ferrules to wrap rubber goods.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Monitor machine operations

    Observe machine operations and evaluate product quality thereby ensuring conformity to standards.

  • Manipulate rubber products

    Use tools and equipment in order to form rubber parts or rubber end products, by performing operations such as cutting, shaping or cementing.

  • Prepare rubber materials

    Prepare and place correctly the rubber materials in order to be assembled.

  • Fasten rubber goods

    Fasten ferrules, buckles, straps, to rubber goods.

  • Apply health and safety standards

    Adhere to standards of hygiene and safety established by respective authorities.

Optional knowledge and skills

manufacturing of sports equipment manage distribution channels oversee stock quality control plan the stocking of products provide training mechanical tools use power tools monitor stock movement

Source: Sisyphus ODB