Profession refuse collector

Refuse collectors remove waste from homes and other facilities and put it in the bin lorry so it can be transported to a treatment and disposal facility. They assist the driver of the bin lorry, help unload the waste, and record the amount of refuse collected. They may also collect waste from construction and demolition sites, and hazardous waste.

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Personality Type


  • Health, safety and hygiene legislation

    The set of health, safety and hygiene standards and items of legislation applicable in a specific sector.

  • Waste and scrap products

    The offered waste and scrap products, their functionalities, properties and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Waste management

    The methods, materials and regulations used to collect, transport, treat and dispose of waste. This includes recycling and monitoring of waste disposal.


  • Collect domestic waste

    Collect non-hazardous waste from residential areas and homes in order to remove it from the area and transport it to a waste treatment and disposal facility.

  • Maintain waste collection records

    Maintain records on waste collection routes, scheduling, and types and volume of waste collected.

  • Maintain refuse collection equipment

    Identify and repair minor damage to refuse collection equipment as well as perform routine maintenance tasks.

  • Collect industrial waste

    Collect non-hazardous or hazardous waste which is produced by industrial activities, such as paints, chemicals, industrial byproducts, and radioactive waste.

  • Assess waste type

    Identify waste materials during collection and sorting operations which can either be recycled, disposed of, or otherwise treated, in order to assess the way in which they need to be treated and sorted.

  • Manage waste

    Manage or dispose of significant amounts of waste materials or hazardous materials. Ensure required licenses and permits are in place and reasonable management practices, industry standards, or commonly accepted farming practices followed.

Optional knowledge and skills

operate recycling processing equipment dispose of non-hazardous waste identify damage to public space maintain recycling records monitor civic amenity sites educate on recycling regulations hazardous waste storage waste transport legislation sort waste dispose of hazardous waste report pollution incidents empty community waste collection bins pollution prevention use personal protection equipment handle chemical cleaning agents install recycling containers

Source: Sisyphus ODB