Profession recreation model maker

Recreation model makers design and construct recreation scale models from various materials such as plastic, wood, wax and metals, mostly by hand.

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Personality Type


  • CAD software

    The computer-aided design (CAD) software for creating, modifying, analysing or optimising a design.

  • Similitude

    The theory and art of predicting prototype performance from scale model observations.

  • Toys and games safety recommendations

    Safety instructions of games and toys, according to the materials they are composed of.

  • Toys and games industry

    Types of products available in the games and toys industry and of the major suppliers in the field.

  • Toys and games trends

    Latest developments in the games and toys industry.


  • Ensure quality of final product

    Ensure that finished products meet or exceed company specifications.

  • Inspect toys and games for damage

    Identify damage and cracks in games and toys in the store; take appropriate actions to remedy.

  • Assemble toys

    Fit body parts and accessories together using different tools and techniques depending on the toy materials such as gluing, welding, screwing or nailing.

  • Design scale models

    Design imitations of products such as vehicles or buildings which accurately represent the dimensions of the product in a smaller format.

  • Apply a protective layer

    Apply a layer of protective solutions such as permethrine to protect the product from damage such as corrosion, fire or parasites, using a spray gun or paintbrush.

  • Pack goods

    Pack different kinds of goods such as finished manufactured products or goods in use. Pack goods by hand in boxes, bags and other types of containers.

  • Perform toys finishing

    Put the finishing touches to toys such as painting details, adding embroideries or markings, mounting hair, eyes and teeth.

Optional knowledge and skills

cut metal products fabricate metal parts metal smoothing technologies repair metal sheets create smooth wood surface sell toys and games mark designs on metal pieces sand wood types of wood manipulate wood manipulate plastic stain wood types of plastic join metals operate wood sawing equipment repair plastic machinery manipulate metal manipulate glass operate plastic machinery set up the controller of a machine maintain plastic machinery finish plastic products join wood elements

Source: Sisyphus ODB