Profession railway passenger service agent

Railway passenger service agents spend time with railway station customers, answer their questions and react quickly and safely to unexpected situations. They provide information, mobility assistance, and security in railway stations. They provide accurate and up to date information on train arrival and departure times, train connections, and help customers plan their travels.

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Personality Type


  • Train routes

    Know principal train routes and quickly search for relevant information to respond to customer questions. Provide advice on potential shortcuts and itinerary options.

  • Product range of railway companies

    Know the product range of railway companies and use that knowledge in order to provide assistance to customers with problems or queries.


  • Think proactively

    Take initiatives to come up with improvements.

  • Tend to passenger belongings

    Handle passenger belongings; assist elderly or physically challenged travellers by carrying their luggage.

  • Manage the customer experience

    Monitor, create and oversee customer experience and perception of brand and service. Ensure pleasant customer experience, treat customers in a cordial and courteous manner.

  • Deliver outstanding service

    Provide outstanding customer service by exceeding customer expectations; establish reputation as an exceptional service provider.

  • Meet picking standards

    Perform picking activities in a way that meets quality standards.

  • Strive to provide high quality customer service

    Pursue highest possible quality of customer service; do what needs to be done to keep the customer satisfied.

  • Collect customer data

    Collect customer data such as contact information, credit card or billing information; gather information to track down purchase history.

  • Implement marketing strategies

    Implement strategies which aim to promote a specific product or service, using the developed marketing strategies.

  • Act as a company ambassador

    Represent and defend the interests of the company to customers, and provide workable solutions to problems. Pursue the highest quality customer service.

  • React calmly in stressful situations

    React quickly, calmly, and safely to unexpected situations. Provide a solution that solves the problem or diminishes its impact.

  • Relay messages through radio and telephone systems

    Possess the communication abilities to relay messages through a radio and telephone system.

  • Interpret customer non-verbal communication

    Interpret the non-verbal communication signals of customers, e.g. to assess personality traits or current mood. Use observations to tailor services to the client.

  • Deliver a sales pitch

    Prepare and deliver an understandably constructed sales talk for a product or a service, identifying and using persuasive argumentation.

  • Listen actively

    Give attention to what other people say, patiently understand points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times; able to listen carefully the needs of customers, clients, passengers, service users or others, and provide solutions accordingly.

  • Maintain updated professional knowledge

    Regularly attend educational workshops, read professional publications, actively participate in professional societies.

  • Implement sales strategies

    Carry out the plan to gain competitive advantage on the market by positioning the company's brand or product and by targeting the right audience to sell this brand or product to.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Provide information to passengers

    Provide passengers with correct information in a polite and efficient manner; use proper etiquette to assist physically challenged travellers.

  • Communicate with customer service department

    Communicate with customer service in a transparent and collaborative manner; monitor how service is operating; relay real-time information to customers.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Guarantee customer satisfaction

    Handle customer expectations in a professional manner, anticipating and addressing their needs and desires. Provide flexible customer service to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Optional knowledge and skills

perform services in a flexible manner act reliably work in a rail transport team speak different languages use positive language show confidence have computer literacy use microsoft office

Source: Sisyphus ODB