Profession radiation protection technician

Radiation protection technicians monitor radiation levels in buildings and facilities to ensure compliance with health and safety standards, and to prevent dangerous elevations in the radiation level. They take measures to minimise radiation emissions, and to prevent further contamination in the event of radiation pollution, by developing radiation protection plans, in particular for nuclear plants and facilities.

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Personality Type


  • Health, safety and hygiene legislation

    The set of health, safety and hygiene standards and items of legislation applicable in a specific sector.

  • Nuclear reprocessing

    The process in which radioactive substances can be extracted or recycled for use as nuclear fuel, and in which waste levels can be reduced, yet without the reduction of radioactivity levels or generation of heat.

  • Hazardous waste treatment

    The methods applied in the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste such as asbestos, dangerous chemicals, and various contaminants, as well as the surrounding environmental regulations and legislation.

  • Metrology

    The methods and theory of measurement in a scientific context, including internationally accepted units of measurement, practical realisation of these units, and interpretation of measurements.

  • Radioactive contamination

    The different causes of the presence of radioactive substances in liquids, solids, or gases or on surfaces, and the manner in which to identify the types of contaminants, their risks, and the contaminants' concentration.

  • Hazardous waste types

    The different types of waste which poses risks to the environment or public health and safety, such as radioactive waste, chemicals and solvents, electronics, and mercury-containing waste.

  • Radiation protection

    The measures and procedures used to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionising radiation.


  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Ensure compliance with radiation protection regulations

    Make sure the company and the employees implement the legal and operational measures established to guarantee protection against radiation.

  • Monitor nuclear power plant systems

    Control nuclear plant systems, such as ventilation and water draining systems, to ensure proper functioning and identify irregularities.

  • Instruct employees on radiation protection

    Explain the various legal and operational measures established in the company against radiation, such as reducing exposure time and wearing protective gear, to the employees and communicate the emergency procedures.

  • Perform risk analysis

    Identify and assess factors that may jeopardise the success of a project or threaten the organisation's functioning. Implement procedures to avoid or minimise their impact.

  • Calculate exposure to radiation

    Calculate radiation data about procedures, such as length and intensity of exposure.

  • Develop radiation protection strategies

    Develop strategies for facilities and organisations which are at risk for exposure to radiation or radioactive substances, such as hospitals and nuclear facilities, for the protection of people within the premises in case of risk, as well as the minimisation of radiation exposure during working operations.

  • Develop hazardous waste management strategies

    Develop strategies which aim to increase the efficiency in which a facility treats, transports, and disposes of hazardous waste materials, such as radioactive waste, chemicals, and electronics.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear

    Wear relevant and necessary protective gear, such as protective goggles or other eye protection, hard hats, safety gloves.

  • Monitor radiation levels

    Use measuring and testing equipment and techniques to identify the levels of radiation or radioactive substances in order to control exposure and minimise health, safety, and environmental risks.

Optional knowledge and skills

contamination exposure regulations monitor disposal of radioactive substances test safety strategies hazardous materials transportation dispose of hazardous waste remove contaminants advise on pollution prevention remove contaminated materials assist people in contaminated areas investigate contamination document survey operations hazardous waste storage pollution prevention inspect compliance with hazardous waste regulations perform demarcation avoid contamination follow nuclear plant safety precautions assess contamination

Source: Sisyphus ODB