Profession proofreader

Proofreaders examine facsimiles of the finished products such as books, newspaper and magazines. They correct grammatical, typographical and spelling errors in order to ensure the quality of the printed product.

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Personality Type


  • Copyright legislation

    Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.

  • Spelling

    The rules concerning the way words are spelled.

  • Grammar

    The set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language.


  • Proofread text

    Read a text thoroughly, search for, review and correct errors to ensure content is valid for publishing.

  • Follow work schedule

    Manage the sequence of activities in order to deliver completed work on agreed deadlines by following a work schedule.

  • Use dictionaries

    Use glossaries and dictionaries to search for the meaning, the spelling, and synonyms of words.

  • Master language rules

    Master the techniques and practices of the languages to be translated. This includes both your own native language, as well as foreign languages. Be familiar with applicable standards and rules and identify the proper expressions and words to use.

  • Apply grammar and spelling rules

    Apply the rules of spelling and grammar and ensure consistency throughout texts.

Optional knowledge and skills

apply desktop publishing techniques lay out digital written content track changes in text editing proofing methods typography read books read articles consult information sources consult with editor rewrite articles

Source: Sisyphus ODB