Profession political campaign officer

Political campaign officers provide support during political campaigns, advising the candidate and campaign management staff on campaign strategies and campaign staff coordination, as well as developing advertising and research strategies.

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Personality Type


  • Political campaigning

    The procedures involved in conducting a succesful political campaign, such as the specific research methods, promotional tools, liaising with the public, and other strategic aspects concerning the organising and conducting of political campaigns.

  • Advertising techniques

    The communication strategies intended to persuade or encourage an audience, and the different media which are used to achieve this goal.


  • Analyse election procedures

    Analyse the proceedings during elections and campaigns in order to monitor the voting behaviour of the public, identify ways in which the election campaign can be improved for politicians, and to predict the election outcomes.

  • Advise on public image

    Advise a client such as a politician, artist or another individual dealing with the public on how to present themselves in a way which would gain most favour from the general public or a target audience.

  • Develop media strategy

    Create the strategy on the type of content to be delivered to the target groups and which media to be used, taking into account the characteristics of the target audience and the media that will be used for content delivery.

  • Advise on public relations

    Advise business or public organisations on public relations management and strategies in order to ensure efficient communication with target audiences, and proper conveying of information.

  • Liaise with colleagues

    Liaise with fellow colleagues to ensure common understanding on work related affairs and agree on the necessary compromises the parties might need to face. Negotiate compromises between parties as to ensure that work in general run efficiently towards the achievement of the objectives.

  • Advise politicians on electoral procedures

    Advise politicians before and during elections on campaigning procedures and on the politician's public presentation and courses of action which may beneficially influence elections.

Optional knowledge and skills

monitor political campaigns conduct public surveys coordinate advertising campaigns communicate with media influence voting behaviour solicit event publicity manage fundraising activities maintain relationships with government agencies apply knowledge of human behaviour analyse problems for opportunities political science election law prepare presentation material promote political campaign create campaign schedule perform public relations

Source: Sisyphus ODB