Profession personal trust officer

Personal trust officers monitor and administer personal trusts. They interpret trust and testamentary documentation accordingly, interact with financial advisors to define the investment goal for the achievement of trust objectives, coordinate the purchase and sale of securities with account executives and review clients' accounts regularly.

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Personality Type


  • Actuarial science

    The rules of applying mathematical and statistical techniques to determine potential or existing risks in various industries, such as finance or insurance.

  • Securities

    The financial instruments traded in financial markets representing both the right of property over the owner and at the same time, the obligation of payment over the issuer. The aim of securities which is raising capital and hedging risk in financial markets.

  • Property law

    The law and legislation that regulates all the different ways to handle property, such as the types of property, how to handle property disputes and property contract rules.

  • Investment analysis

    The methods and tools for analysis of an investment compared to its potential return. Identification and calculation of profitability ratio and financial indicators in relation to associated risks to guide decision on investment.

  • Tax legislation

    Tax legislation applicable to a specific area of specialisation, such as import tax, government tax, etc.


  • Communicate with beneficiaries

    Communicate with individuals or organisations who are entitled to receive benefits in the form of funds or other rights in order to obtain information on the procedures, to ensure that beneficiaries receive the benefits they are entitled to, and to provide further information.

  • Examine trusts

    Examine documents relating to relationships between settlors and trustees in which the trustee holds property for the beneficiaries of the trust, in order to ensure the property is properly controlled and the contract agreements are complied with.

  • Review investment portfolios

    Meet with clients to review or update an investment portfolio and provide financial advice on investments.

  • Identify clients' needs

    Identify the areas in which the client may require aid and investigate the possibilities for meeting those needs.

  • Monitor title procedures

    Monitor the bundle of rights of a property and investigate all the parties involved in the current procedure, such as the transfer of a deed in the transfer of ownership of a property or the provision of all the documents serving as evidence of title, to ensure that all documentation and procedures occur according to legislation and contractual agreements.

  • Maintain trusts

    Handle the money meant for investing into a trust and ensure it is placed into the trust, as well as ensure that the due outgoing payments are made to the beneficiaries compliant with the terms of the trust.

  • Obtain financial information

    Gather information on securities, market conditions, governmental regulations and the financial situation, goals and needs of clients or companies.

Optional knowledge and skills

register deeds collect property financial information financial products prepare financial statements maintain relationship with customers protect client interests develop investment portfolio advise on financial matters research taxation procedures handle financial transactions prepare tax returns forms accounting techniques apply technical communication skills handle financial disputes conduct financial audits promote financial products provide support in financial calculation analyse financial risk

Source: Sisyphus ODB