Profession on foot aquatic resources collector

On foot aquatic resources collectors collect spat and seaweed, as well as shellfish or any other aquatic animal, such as crustacean and echinoderms, or vegetable resources.

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  • Fisheries legislation

    The study and analysis of different fisheries management approaches taking into account international treaties and industry norms in order to analyze fisheries management regulations. 


  • Carry out standard aquaculture stock health operations

    Perform activities that ensure monitoring and implementation of aquaculture health standards and health analysis of the fish population.

  • Collect aquatic resources

    Collect spat and seaweed, as well as shellfish or any other aquatic animal (i.e. crustacean and echinoderms) or vegetable resource. Use the appropriate equipment depending on the species.

  • Monitor live fish collection

    Monitor conditions during gathering of live fish, including stress in the fish.

  • Manage spat collection equipment

    Assemble spat collection equipment to be deployed at sea. Deploy the spat collection equipment to maximise the yield and maintain it in working order.

  • Manage aquatic resources

    Collect and select fish or other organisms from the culture environment. Handle, clean and classify the specimen. Prepare for harvesting and transport to the point of sale. Adapt techniques depending on the specific species, the next step in the process, and the final purpose.

  • Handle broodstock

    Handle wild and cultured broodstock. Quarantine wild and cultured broodstock. Select individuals for culture and/or fattening.

  • Collect broodstock

    Collect larvae or juveniles from environment, using appropriate techniques for the specific species i.e. fish, molluscs, crustaceans or new candidates for aquaculture.

  • Preserve fish products

    Place and classify fish products for proper conservation. Maintain suitable conditions for the conservation of fishery products.

  • Collect live fish

    ​Gather fish using techniques which minimise the stress caused to fish and avoid fish escapes occurring.

Source: Sisyphus ODB