Profession odds compiler

Odds compilers compile the odds in gambling. They are employed by a bookmaker, betting exchange, lotteries and digital/on-line as well as casinos who sets the odds for events (such as sporting outcomes) for customers to place bets on. Apart from pricing markets, they also engage in any activity regarding the trading aspects of gambling, such as monitoring customer accounts and the profitability of their operations. An odds compiler may be required to monitor the financial position the bookmaker is in and adjust their position (and odds) accordingly. They may also be consulted as to whether to accept a bet or not.

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Personality Type


  • Mathematics

    Mathematics is the study of topics such as quantity, structure, space, and change. It involves the identification of patterns and formulating new conjectures based on them. Mathematicians strive to prove the truth or falsity of these conjectures. There are many fields of mathematics, some of which are widely used for practical applications.

  • Legal standards in gambling

    The legal requirements, rules and limitations in gambling and betting activities.

  • Assertiveness

    The quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive

  • Games rules

    Set of principles and rules that govern a game


  • Calculate betting target odds

    Calculate betting target odds to guarantee profitability for the house and fair share for the customers.

  • Persuade clients with alternatives

    Describe, detail, and compare possible alternatives that clients could take about products and services to persuade them to take a decision that benefits both the company and the client.

  • Solve problems in gambling through digital means

    Use ICT resources, tools and competence in order to solve gambling, betting and lottery problems such as game operation problems.

  • Follow ethical code of conduct of gambling

    Follow the rules and ethical code used in gambling, betting and lottery. Keep the entertainment of players in mind.

Optional knowledge and skills

tolerate stress apply knowledge of human behaviour sporting events speak different languages apply gaming psychology

Source: Sisyphus ODB