Profession music director
Music directors lead musical groups such as orchestras and bands during live performances or recording sessions. They organise the music and composition, coordinate the playing musicians and record the performance. Music directors are professionals working in diverse places such as the film industry, music videos, radio stations, musical ensembles or schools.
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Personality Type
- Musical instruments
The different musical instruments, their ranges, timbre, and possible combinations.
- Musical genres
Different musical styles and genres such as blues, jazz, reggae, rock, or indie.
- Musical theory
The body of interrelated concepts that constitutes the theoretical background of music.
- Rewrite musical scores
Rewrite original musical scores in different musical genres and styles; change rhythm, harmony tempo or instrumentation.
- Work out orchestral sketches
Make up and work out details for orchestral sketches, such as adding extra vocal parts to scores.
- Strive for excellence in musical performance
Continually commit to perfecting your instrumental or vocal performance.
- Organise compositions
Arrange and adapt existing musical compositions, add variations to existing melodies or compositions manually or with the use of computer software. Redistribute instrumental parts.
- Guide analysis of a recorded performance
Analyse a preformance video recording by using experts as a model.
- Coordinate music with scenes
Coordinate the selection of music and sounds so they match the mood of the scene.
- Supervise music groups
Direct music groups, individual musicians or complete orchestras at rehearsals and during live or studio performances, in order to improve the overall tonal and harmonic balance, dynamics, rhythm, and tempo.
- Read musical score
Read the musical score during rehearsal and live performance.
- Supervise musicians
Guide musicians during rehearsals, live performances or studio recording sessions.
- Develop musical ideas
Explore and develop musical concepts based on sources such as imagination or environmental sounds.
- Evaluate musical ideas
Experiment with different sound sources, use synthesizers and computer software, permanently explore and evaluate musical ideas and concepts.
- Transcribe ideas into musical notation
Transcribe/translate musical ideas into musical notation, using instruments, pen and paper, or computers.
- Manage musical staff
Assign and manage staff tasks in areas such as scoring, arranging, copying music and vocal coaching.
- Attend music recording sessions
Attend recording sessions in order to make changes or adaptations to the musical score.
- Plan musical performances
Schedule rehearsals and music performances, arrange details such as locations, select accompanists and instrumentalists.
- Position musicians
Position qualified musicians within musical groups, orchestras or ensembles, to obtain a correct balance among instrumental or vocal sections.
- Organise musical events
Set the date, the agenda, gather the required resources, and coordinate events around music such as concerts, competitions or exams.
- Orchestrate music
Assign lines of music to different musical instruments and/or voices to be played together.
Optional knowledge and skills
improvise music record music film music techniques participate in music studio recordings musical notation study music conduct musical ensembles promote music connect music fragments write musical scores set up basic recording create musical forms compose music film production processSource: Sisyphus ODB