Profession mine supervisor

Mine supervisors coordinate and supervise the activities related to mining and quarrying in underground and surface mines and quarries. They oversee the workers, schedules, processes and organisation in the mines and quarries.

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Personality Type


  • Mine safety legislation

    The laws, regulations and codes of practice relevant to safety in mining operations.


  • Manage mine site data

    Capture, record and validate spatial data for the mine site.

  • Maintain records of mining operations

    Maintain records of mine production and development performance, including performance of machinery.

  • Oversee mine planning activities

    Direct, control and examine mine planning and surveying staff and activities.

  • Manage supplies

    Monitor and control the flow of supplies that includes the purchase, storage and movement of the required quality of raw materials, and also work-in-progress inventory. Manage supply chain activities and synchronise supply with demand of production and customer.

  • Supervise work

    Direct and supervise the day-to-day activities of subordinate personnel.

  • Inspect mine safety conditions

    Inspect mining areas to ensure safe working conditions and equipment.

  • Communicate mine equipment information

    Communicate transparently and efficiently with mine production management and machine operators. Pass on any relevant information such as outages, efficiency and productivity of the equipment.

  • Supervise mine construction operations

    Prepare and oversee mine construction operations e.g. shaft and tunnel constructions.

  • Use mine planning software

    Use specialised software to plan, design and model for mining operations.

  • Evaluate mine development projects

    Evaluate mining methods and procedures, including waste management, life-of-mine plans, production timelines and funds expenditures.

Optional knowledge and skills

minerals laws advise on mine production investigate mine accidents develop working procedures manage heavy equipment geology write production reports monitor mine production schedule mine production report on environmental issues manage resources monitor mine costs evaluate mineral resources optimise financial performance maintain plans of a mining site

Source: Sisyphus ODB