Profession metal annealer

Metal annealers operate electric or gas kilns to soften metal so it can be cut and shaped more easily. They heat the metal to a specific temperature and / or colour and then slowly cool it, both according to specifications. Metal annealers inspect the metals through the entire process to observe any flaws.

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Personality Type


  • Metal forming technologies

    The variety of technologies and techniques, such as forging, pressing, stamping, rolling and others, used for the forming processes of metal product manufacturing.

  • Quality standards

    The national and international requirements, specifications and guidelines to ensure that products, services and processes are of good quality and fit for purpose.


  • Keep records of work progress

    Maintain records of the progress of the work including time, defects, malfunctions, etc.

  • Adjust oven temperature

    Adjust the oven temperature level and uniformity by correcting the fuel feed.

  • Supply machine

    Ensure the machine is fed the necessary and adequate materials and control the placement or automatic feed and retrieval of work pieces in the machines or machine tools on the production line.

  • Set up the controller of a machine

    Set up and give commands to a machine by dispatching the appropriate data and input into the (computer) controller corresponding with the desired processed product.

  • Restore trays

    Restore the trays in order to be reused by removing them form the kiln and placing them into the lehr for gradual cooling and annealing.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Monitor automated machines

    Continuously check up on the automated machine's set-up and execution or make regular control rounds. If necessary, record and interpret data on the operating conditions of installations and equipment in order to identify abnormalities.

  • Heat metals

    Heat steel and metals in fire; adjust and regulate heat controls to reach appropriate pouring temperature.

  • Follow production schedule

    Follow production schedule taking into account all requirements, times and needs. This schedule outlines what individual commodities must be produced in each time period and encapsulates various concerns like production, staffing, inventory, etc. It is usually linked to manufacturing where the plan indicates when and how much of each product will be demanded. Utilise all the information in the actual implementation of the plan.

  • Troubleshoot

    Identify operating problems, decide what to do about it and report accordingly.

  • Observe products' behaviour

    Observe the color of fires and pyrometric cones under certain processing conditions such as high temperature.

  • Operate metal heating equipment

    Use heating machinery to bake filled-up moulds or to melt steel, metal and other materials.

  • Consult technical resources

    Read and interpret such technical resources such as digital or paper drawings and adjustment data in order to properly set up a machine or working tool, or to assemble mechanical equipment.

  • Inspect quality of products

    Use various techniques to ensure the product quality is respecting the quality standards and specifications. Oversee defects, packaging and sendbacks of products to different production departments.

  • Adjust burner controls

    Adjust the heat in the burner regulating the thermostat according to the prescribed temperature following each product specification.

Optional knowledge and skills

monitor gauge operate drying blowers manage kiln ventilation perform test run report defective manufacturing materials assemble metal parts monitor conveyor belt manage waste handle metal work orders monitor end-product drying process maintain equipment repair metal sheets remove defective products perform kiln maintenance mechanics read gas meter record production data mark a metal workpiece using punch

Source: Sisyphus ODB