Profession marketing manager

Marketing department managers plan, direct and coordinate the sales and marketing activities of an enterprise or organisation, or of enterprises that provide sales and marketing services to other enterprises and organisations.

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Personality Type

Related professions support services (internal)

  • Advertising clerk
  • Advertising department manager
  • Bookkeeper
  • Buyer
  • Buyer agricultural products
  • Buyer technical products
  • Cartographer
  • Catering worker
  • Cleaning supervisor
  • Cost estimator
  • Education administrator
  • Financial department manager
  • Fundraiser
  • Handyman
  • IT user support technician
  • Land surveyor
  • Logistics worker
  • Marketing professional
  • Personnel department manager
  • Personnel planning clerk
  • Production or operations manager
  • Public relations department manager
  • Public relations officer, advisor
  • Purchasing department manager
  • Receptionist, telephonist
  • Sailor
  • Sales department manager
  • Sales representative
  • Sales representative agricultural products
  • Sales representative technical products
  • Sales representative, all other products
  • Technical illustrator
  • Transport clerk
  • Transport scheduling clerk
  • Writer of technical texts


  • Brand marketing techniques

    The methods and systems used in researching and establishing a brand identity for marketing purposes.

  • Marketing mix

    Principle of marketing that describes the four fundamental elements in marketing strategies which are the product, the place, the price and the promotion.

  • Pricing strategies

    The techniques, theories, and commonly accepted strategies regarding pricing of goods. The relation between pricing strategies and outcomes in the market such as profitability maximisation, deterrence of newcomers, or increase of market share.

  • Corporate social responsibility

    The handling or managing of business processes in a responsible and ethical manner considering the economic responsibility towards shareholders as equally important as the responsibility towards environmental and social stakeholders.

  • Market pricing

    Price volatility according to market and price elasticity, and the factors which influence pricing trends and changes in the market in the long and short term.

  • Market research

    The processes, techniques, and purposes comprised in the first step for developing marketing strategies such as the collection of information about customers and the definition of segments and targets.

  • Content marketing strategy

    The process of creation and share of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers.


  • Collaborate in the development of marketing strategies

    Work together with a group of professionals to develop marketing strategies performing market analysis and financial viability while staying aligned with the company's goals.

  • Plan marketing strategy

    Determine the objective of the marketing strategy whether it is for establishing image, implementing a pricing strategy, or raising awareness of the product. Establish approaches of marketing actions to ensure that goals are achieved efficiently and over a long term.

  • Define measurable marketing objectives

    Outline the measurable performance indicators of the marketing plan such as market share, customer value, brand awareness, and sales revenues. Follow up on the progress of these indicators during the development of the marketing plan.

  • Perform market research

    Gather, assess and represent data about target market and customers in order to facilitate strategic development and feasibility studies. Identify market trends.

  • Evaluate marketing content

    Revise, assess, align, and approve marketing material and content defined in the marketing plan. Evaluate written word, images, print or video advertisements, public speeches, and statements in accordance with the marketing objectives.

  • Integrate marketing strategies with the global strategy

    Integrate the marketing strategy and its elements such as the market definition, competitors, price strategy, and communication with the general guidelines of the global strategy of the company.

  • Integrate strategic foundation in daily performance

    Reflect on the strategic foundation of companies, meaning their mission, vision, and values in order to integrate this foundation in the performance of the job position.

  • Analyse internal factors of companies

    Research and understand various internal factors that influence the operation of companies such as its culture, strategic foundation, products, prices, and available resources.

  • Analyse consumer buying trends

    Analyse buying habits or currently prevalent customer behaviour.

  • Study sales levels of products

    Collect and analyse sales levels of products and services in order to use this information for determining the quantities to be produced in the following batches, customer feedback, price trends, and the efficiency of sales methods.

  • Plan marketing campaign

    Develop a method to promote a product through different channels, such as television, radio, print and online platforms, social media with the aim to communicate and deliver value to customers.

  • Create annual marketing budget

    Make the calculation of both the income and expenditures that are expected to be paid over the coming year concerning the marketing related activities such as advertising, selling and delivering products to people.

  • Align efforts towards business development

    Synchronise the efforts, plans, strategies, and actions carried out in departments of companies towards the growth of business and its turnover. Keep business development as the ultimate outcome of any effort of the company.

  • Coordinate marketing plan actions

    Manage the overview of the marketing actions such as the marketing planning, internal financial resource granting, advertising materials, implementation, control, and communication efforts.

  • Analyse external factors of companies

    Perform research and analysis of the external factor pertaining to companies such as consumers, position in the market, competitors, and political situation.

  • Analyse customer service surveys

    Analyse results from surveys completed by passengers/customer; analyse results to identify trends and draw conclusions.

  • Manage profitability

    Review on a regular basis sales and profit performance.

  • Impart business plans to collaborators

    Diffuse, present, and communicate business plans and strategies to managers, employees making sure that objectives, actions, and important messages are properly conveyed.

  • Track key performance indicators

    Identify the quantifiable measures that a company or industry uses to gauge or compare performance in terms of meeting their operational and strategic goals, using preset performance indicators.

  • Analyse work-related written reports

    Read and comprehend job-related reports, analyse the content of reports and apply findings to daily work operations.

  • Identify potential markets for companies

    Observe and analyse market research findings in order to determine promising and profitable markets. Consider the firm's specific advantage and match it with markets where such value proposition is missing.

Optional knowledge and skills

cost management develop online community plan supervise sales activities forecast sales over periods of time perform online data analysis carry out forum moderation perform project management search engine optimisation evaluate performance of organisational collaborators carry out sales analysis manage schedule of tasks below-the-line technique select optimal distribution channel prepare exhibition marketing plan e-commerce systems identify suppliers market participants make strategic business decisions customer segmentation market entry strategies analyse supply chain strategies use content management system software perform risk analysis use theoretical marketing models apply social media marketing manage content development projects international trade hire human resources trading law conflict management information confidentiality apply strategic thinking create solutions to problems ensure cross-department cooperation sales strategies identify ict user needs liaise with managers social media marketing techniques provide written content develop business plans content development processes coordinate events follow up online user requests inspect data online moderation techniques implement sales strategies web analytics implement marketing strategies manage inventory manage event structure installation maintain relationship with suppliers create content title set sales goals teamwork principles keywords in digital content produce sales reports communication principles manage budgets motivate employees merchandising techniques telemarketing plan events conduct search engine optimisation promote event negotiate terms with suppliers investigate customer complaints manage distribution channels interpret financial statements ensure customer focus develop product design identify market niches analyse data about clients public relations assess financial viability company policies report accounts of the professional activity estimate profitability teach marketing principles channel marketing negotiate sales contracts marketing principles business intelligence assist in the practical actions for developing marketing campaigns accounting techniques integrate headquarter's guidelines into local operations marketing management translate requirement concepts into content statistics manage personnel contract law capture people's attention develop professional network perform multiple tasks at the same time arrange event needs sales department processes liaise with distribution channel managers use analytics for commercial purposes manage feedback organise on-site amenities social media management sales argumentation define geographic sales areas customer insight conduct mobile marketing liaise with advertising agencies manage content metadata approve advertising campaign forecast catering services recruit personnel behavioural science financial capability manage the handling of promotional materials use different communication channels create media plan manage accounts negotiate improvement with suppliers present arguments persuasively research website users consumer law prepare visual data manage staff communicate with customers perform product planning abide by business ethical code of conducts write work-related reports evaluate advertising campaign show entrepreneurial spirit authoring software store design layout project management employment law examine advertisement layout

Source: Sisyphus ODB