Profession market research interviewer

Market research interviewers strive to collect information on the perceptions, opinions, and preferences of customers in relation to commercial products or services. They use interview techniques to draw as much information as possible by contacting people via telephone calls, by approaching them face-to-face or by by virtual means. They pass this information to experts for drawing analysis.

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Personality Type


  • Communication

    Exchanging and conveying information, ideas, concepts, thoughts, and feelings through the use of a shared system of words, signs, and semiotic rules via a medium.

  • Survey techniques

    Techniques on how to identify a target audience, choose the right survey method and analyse the data.

  • Interview techniques

    The techniques for getting information out of people by asking the right questions in the right way and to make them feel comfortable.

  • Information confidentiality

    The mechanisms and regulations which allow for selective access control and guarantee that only authorised parties (people, processes, systems and devices) have access to data, the way to comply with confidential information and the risks of non-compliance.


  • Document interviews

    Record, write, and capture answers and information collected during interviews for processing and analysis using shorthand or technical equipment.

  • Capture people's attention

    Approach people and draw their attention to a subject presented to them or to get information from them.

  • Perform market research

    Gather, assess and represent data about target market and customers in order to facilitate strategic development and feasibility studies. Identify market trends.

  • Evaluate interview reports

    Assess the quality and plausibility of the interview results on the basis of the documentation while taking various factors into account such as the weighting scale.

  • Tabulate survey results

    Collate and organise the answers gathered in interviews or polls in order to be analysed and draw conclusions from them.

  • Explain interview purposes

    Explain the main purpose and objective of the interview in a manner that the recipient understands and responds to the questions accordingly.

  • Respond to enquiries

    Respond to enquiries and requests for information from other organisations and members of the public.

  • Adhere to questionnaires

    Follow and ask the questions laid out in questionnaires when interviewing somebody.

  • Use different communication channels

    Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.

  • Prepare market research reports

    Report on the outcomes of the market research, main observations and outcomes, and notes helpful for analysing the information.

  • Conduct research interview

    Use professional researching and interviewing methods and techniques to gather relevant data, facts or information, to gain new insights and to fully comprehend the message of the interviewee.

  • Use communication techniques

    Apply techniques of communication which allow interlocutors to better understand each other and communicate accurately in the transmission of messages.

  • Prepare survey report

    Gather the analysed data from the survey and write a detailed report on the outcome of the survey.

Optional knowledge and skills

conduct qualitative research perform data analysis psychology design questionnaires apply grammar and spelling rules analyse data about clients analyse call performance trends interview focus groups perform mystery shopping speak different languages data quality assessment present reports visual presentation techniques contact customers politics statistics market research revise questionnaires conduct quantitative research adapt communication style according to recipient use shorthand communicate by telephone study topics customer insight

Source: Sisyphus ODB