Profession marine mechanic

Marine mechanics are in charge of the engines and mechanical parts of the vessel and replace defective equipment and parts. They communicate with other crew members on the operational level. Marine mechanics maintain and repair the engines and the other machinery of vessels such as boilers, generators and electrical equipment.

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Personality Type


  • Engine components

    Know the different engine components, and their operation and maintenance. Understand when repairs and replacement should be undertaken.

  • Vessel fuels

    Know and understand characteristics of fuels and lubricants, and the fuel loading specifications of various types of vessels.

  • National waterways

    Know the national waterways used for inland navigation, know geographical location of rivers, canals, seaports and inland harbours, and understand the relationship with cargo flows.

  • Inland waterway ship building

    Understand inland waterway ship building and construction. Operate vessel in compliance with construction legislation.

  • Electrical systems used in transportation

    Understand the functioning of electrical systems, their specifications, and application in operations and systems for the transportation of freight and people.

  • Mechanics of vessels

    The mechanics involved in boats and ships. Understand the technicalities and participate in discussions over related topics in order to solve problems related to the mechanics.

  • International waterways

    The international waterways used for maritime navigation, the geographical location of currents, maritime waterways, and harbours.

  • European classification of inland waterways

    Understand the European CEMT classification of inland waterways; use modern information systems to compare the dimensions of the waterway to those of the vessel.

  • Mechanics

    Theoretical and practical applications of the science studying the action of displacements and forces on physical bodies to the development of machinery and mechanical devices.

  • Functions of vessel deck equipment

    Know and control deck and safety equipment and vessel lifting facilities.

  • Distinguish ship construction methods

    Distinguish various methods of constructing vessels and how this affects their behaviour in the water in terms of strength and stability.


  • Execute safety assurance exercises

    Organise and execute safety exercises; ensure safety in potentially dangerous situations.

  • Detect malfunctions in engines

    Detect and effectively respond to machinery malfunctions. Take actions in order to prevent material damage; practice damage control.

  • Distinguish various types of ships

    Recognise and name various types of vessels common in European maritime transport; understand the different characteristics, construction details, and tonnage capacities of different vessels.

  • Apply vessel engine regulations

    Understand the regulations regarding the vessel engines and apply those regulations in engine maintenance and operation.

  • Unmoor vessels

    Follow standard procedures to unmoor vessels. Manage communication between the ship and the shore.

  • Prepare equipment for navigation operations

    Prepare and operate main and auxiliary equipment supporting the navigation operations. Set up and monitor checklists and follow implementation procedures.

  • Maintain records of maintenance interventions

    Keep written records of all repairs and maintenance interventions undertaken, including information on the parts and materials used, etc.

  • Evaluate engine performance

    Read and comprehend engineering manuals and publications; test engines in order to evaluate engine performance.

  • Manage vessel control systems

    Know, operate, test and maintain control systems of vessels. Maintain and if necessary repair electronic components of vessel control systems.

  • Disassemble engines

    Disassemble internal combustion engines, generators, pumps, transmissions and other components of mechanical equipment.

  • Moor vessels

    Follow standard procedures to moor vessels. Manage communication between the ship and the shore.

  • Use technical documentation

    Understand and use technical documentation in the overall technical process.

  • Adhere to traffic regulations on inland waterways

    Understand and apply traffic rules in inland waterway navigation in order to ensure safety and avoid collisions.

  • Repair vessel mechanical systems

    Repair mechanical systems of vessels while on-board. Ensure that vessel malfunctions are repaired without affecting the voyage in progress.

  • Operate vessel engine room

    Operate and maintain the engine room of vessels. Operate the main engine room where the engine and propulsion machinery are located.

  • Ensure vessel compliance with regulations

    Inspect vessels, vessel components, and equipment; ensure compliance with standards and specifications.

  • Communicate reports provided by passengers

    Transmit information provided by passengers to superiors. Interpret passenger claims and follow up requests.

  • Prepare main engines for navigation operations

    Prepare and operate main engines for navigation operations. Set up and monitor checklists and follow procedure implementation.

  • Ensure integrity of hull

    Ensure sure that water does not break the hull; prevent progressive flooding.

  • Prevent damage to electrical devices on board

    Protect on board electrical equipment; identify anomalies and malfunctions in the electro-technology of vessels.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear

    Wear relevant and necessary protective gear, such as protective goggles or other eye protection, hard hats, safety gloves.

  • Clean parts of vessels

    Clean engine rooms and vessel components using appropriate cleaning materials; ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

  • Maintain vessel engine room

    Maintain the engines and engine room equipment of a vessel. Conduct pre-checks prior to departure and ongoing examinations during the voyage.

  • Read standard blueprints

    Read and comprehend standard blueprints, machine, and process drawings.

  • Repair engines

    Repair identified problems with internal combustion engines, external combustion engines and electrical motors. Replace and fix faulty parts by using hand and machine tools.

  • Apply regulations on cargo transport operations

    Display knowledge of relevant local, national, European and international regulations, standards, and codes concerning the operation of freight transport.

Optional knowledge and skills

swim implement workplace drug policies electric generators multimodal transport logistics show confidence monitor pumping system operations install electrical and electronic equipment electronics inspect engine rooms perform services in a flexible manner use different communication channels provide feedback on job performance repair heating equipment maintain vessel steering mechanisms maintain hydraulic systems act reliably electrical machines have computer literacy use riverspeak to communicate principles of cargo stowage purchase supplies encourage teambuilding repair maritime communication equipment comply with checklists work in a rail transport team work ergonomically repair vessel electrical systems dispose of hazardous waste

Source: Sisyphus ODB