Profession literary scholar
Literary scholars research works of literature, history of literature, genres, and literary criticism in order to appraise the works and the surrounding aspects in an appropriate context and to produce research results on specific topics in the field of literature.
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Personality Type
- Literary criticism
Academic field that evaluates and classifies literary works. These discussions can cover new publications or offer reassessment of older pieces of literature.
- Types of literature genres
The different literary genres in the history of literature, their technique, tone, content and length.
- Literary techniques
The various approaches an author can use to enhance their writing and produce a specific effect; this can be the choice of a specific genre or the use of metaphors, allusions, and word play.
- History of literature
The historical evolution of forms of writing that are meant to entertain, educate or to give instructions to the audience, such as fictional prose and poems. The techniques used to communicate these writings and the historical context in which they were written.
- Scientific research methodology
The theoretical methodology used in scientific research involving doing background research, constructing an hypothesis, testing it, analysing data and concluding the results.
- Writing techniques
The different techniques to write a story such as the descriptive, persuasive, first person and other techniques.
- Copyright legislation
Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.
- Literary theory
The different genres of literature and the way they fit into specific scenes.
- Spelling
The rules concerning the way words are spelled.
- Grammar
The set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language.
- Literature
The body of artistic writing characterized by beauty of expression, form, and universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.
- Write scientific papers
Present the hypothesis, findings, and conclusions of your scientific research in your field of expertise in a professional publication.
- Consult information sources
Consult relevant information sources to find inspiration, to educate yourself on certain topics and to acquire background information.
- Perform scientific research
Gain, correct or improve knowledge about phenomena by using scientific methods and techniques, based on empirical or measurable observations.
- Perform background research on writing subject
Run thorough background research on writing subject; desk-based research as well as site visits and interviews.
- Apply scientific methods
Apply scientific methods and techniques to investigate phenomena, by acquiring new knowledge or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.
- Read books
Read the latest book releases and give your opinion on them.
Optional knowledge and skills
develop scientific theories conduct quantitative research apply grammar and spelling rules comparative literature read scripts phonetics cultural history study cultures teach writing apply teaching strategies do historical research conduct qualitative research read manuscripts journalism promote your writings theoretical lexicography rhetoric write research proposals critically reflect on artistic production processes linguisticsSource: Sisyphus ODB