Profession legal policy officer

Legal affairs policy officers research, analyse and develop policies related to the legal sector and implement these policies to improve the existing regulation around the sector. They work closely with partners, external organisations or other stakeholders and provide them with regular updates.

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Personality Type


  • Legal case management

    The procedures of a legal case from opening to closing, such as the documentation that needs to be prepared and handled, the people involved in different stages of the case, and the requirements that need to be met before the case can be closed.

  • Government policy implementation

    The procedures related to the application of government policies at all levels of public administration.

  • Legal studies

    The study of law, the situations and causes that elicit responses from institutions in the form of laws and regulations. This includes cultural, economic, and political factors. Some areas of law are civil, business, criminal, and property law.

  • Legal research

    The methods and procedures of research in legal matters, such as the regulations, and different approaches to analyses and source gathering, and the knowledge on how to adapt the research methodology to a specific case to obtain the required information.


  • Manage government policy implementation

    Manage the operations of the implementation of new government policies or changes in existing policies on a national or regional level as well as the staff involved in the implementation procedure.

  • Provide legal advice

    Provide advice to clients in order to ensure that their actions are compliant with the law, as well as most beneficial for their situation and specific case, such as providing information, documentation, or advice on the course of action for a client should they want to take legal action or legal action is taken against them.

  • Analyse legal evidence

    Analyse evidence, such as evidence in criminal cases, legal documentation regarding a case, or other documentation that can be regarded as evidence, in order to obtain a clear image of the case and reach resolutions.

  • Advise on legal decisions

    Advise judges, or other officials in legal decision-making positions, on which decision would be right, compliant with the law and with moral considerations, or most advantageous for the adviser's client, in a specific case.

  • Compile legal documents

    Compile and collect legal documents from a specific case in order to aid an investigation or for a court hearing, in a manner compliant with legal regulations and ensuring records are properly maintained.

  • Advise on legislative acts

    Advise officials in a legislature on the propositioning of new bills and the consideration of items of legislation.

Optional knowledge and skills

commercial law perform scientific research international law government policy contract law consumer law employment law intellectual property law customs law create solutions to problems public law corporate law labour law business law immigration law anti-dumping law scientific research methodology criminal law develop professional network international human rights law competition law family law social security law analyse legislation civil law education law air transport law insolvency law insurance law apply immigration law advise legislators election law constitutional law liaise with politicians

Source: Sisyphus ODB