Profession leather goods warehouse operator

Leather goods warehouse operators are in charge of the warehouse of leather, components, other materials and production devises. They classify and register the purchased raw materials and components, forecast purchases and distribute them across different departments. They ensure that all the necessary raw materials and components for the production are ready to be used and to be placed in the production chain.

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Personality Type


  • Leather goods quality

    The quality specifications of materials, processes, and final products, the most common defects in leather, quick tests procedures, laboratory tests procedures and standards, and the adequate equipment for quality checks. 

  • Leather goods components

    The various procedures and methods in the processing of leather materials and leather goods components like manufacturability and properties.  

  • Leather goods materials

    The wide range of materials used in leather goods production: leather, leather substitutes (synthetics or artificial materials), textile, etc; the way of distinguishing among various materials based on their properties, advantages and limitations.

  • Leather goods manufacturing processes

    The processes, technology and machinery involved in the leather goods manufacturing.  


  • Use IT tools

    Application of computers, computer networks and other information technologies and equipment to storing, retrieving, transmitting and manipulating data, in the context of a business or enterprise.

  • Determine leather goods warehouse layout

    Select the suitable warehouse layouts according to the specific conditions of the leather goods company. Plan the warehouse layout. Implement the warehouse management system.

Optional knowledge and skills

manual cutting processes for leather reduce environmental impact of footwear manufacturing use communication techniques

Source: Sisyphus ODB