Profession leather goods CAD patternmaker

Leather goods CAD patternmakers design, adjust and modify 2D patterns using CAD systems. They check laying variants using nesting modules of the CAD system. They estimate material consumption.

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Personality Type


  • Leather goods materials

    The wide range of materials used in leather goods production: leather, leather substitutes (synthetics or artificial materials), textile, etc; the way of distinguishing among various materials based on their properties, advantages and limitations.

  • Leather goods quality

    The quality specifications of materials, processes, and final products, the most common defects in leather, quick tests procedures, laboratory tests procedures and standards, and the adequate equipment for quality checks. 

  • Leather goods manufacturing processes

    The processes, technology and machinery involved in the leather goods manufacturing.  

  • Leather goods components

    The various procedures and methods in the processing of leather materials and leather goods components like manufacturability and properties.  


  • Make technical drawings of fashion pieces

    Make technical drawings of wearing apparel, leather goods and footwear including both technical and engineering drawings. Use them to communicate or to convey design ideas and manufacturing details to pattern makers, technologists, toolmakers, and equipment producers or to other machine operators for sampling and production.

  • Use IT tools

    Application of computers, computer networks and other information technologies and equipment to storing, retrieving, transmitting and manipulating data, in the context of a business or enterprise.

Optional knowledge and skills

ergonomics in footwear and leather goods design use communication techniques manual cutting processes for leather reduce environmental impact of footwear manufacturing footwear creation process sketch leather goods develop leather goods collection apply development process to footwear design prepare leather goods samples

Source: Sisyphus ODB