Profession instrument technician

Instrument technicians assist and support musicians before, during and after the performance to ensure the instruments and the connected equipment, the backline, are setup properly. They maintain, check, tune and repair instruments and assist with quick changes.  

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Personality Type


  • Manage consumables stock

    Manage and monitor consumables stock to ensure that the production demands and deadlines can be met at all times.

  • Prevent technical problems with musical instruments

    Anticipate technical problems with musical instruments and prevent them where possible. Tune and play musical instruments for sound check before rehearsal or performance.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Translate artistic concepts to technical designs

    Cooperate with the artistic team in order to facilitate the transition from the creative vision and its artistic concepts to a technical design.

  • Use communication equipment

    Set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.

  • Use technical documentation

    Understand and use technical documentation in the overall technical process.

  • Safeguard artistic quality of performance

    Observe the show, anticipate and react to possible technical problems, ensuring optimal artistic quality.

  • Assemble performance equipment

    Set up sound, light and video equipment on stage before performance event according to specifications.

  • Adapt to artists' creative demands

    Work with artists, striving to understand the creative vision and adapting to it. Make full use of your talents and skills to reach the best possible result.

  • Store performance equipment

    Safely dismantle sound, light and video equipment after a performance event. Make sure the equipment is correctly stored away.

  • Work safely with chemicals

    Take the necessary precautions for storing, using and disposing chemical products.

  • Prevent undesired changes to sound design

    Adapt your maintenance of sound equipment to prevent undesired changes in the sound balance and design, safeguarding the overall production quality.

  • Perform technical sound check

    Prepare and run a technical sound check before rehearsals or live shows. Check instrument setup and ensure correct functioning of the audio equipment. Anticipate possible technical problems during a live show.

  • Repair musical instruments

    Attach new strings, fix frames or replace broken parts of musical instruments.

  • Understand artistic concepts

    Interpret an artist's explanation or demonstration of their artistic concepts, inceptions and processes and strive to share their vision.

  • Manage personal professional development

    Take responsibility for lifelong learning and continuous professional development. Engage in learning to support and update professional competence. Identify priority areas for professional development based on reflection about own practice and through contact with peers and stakeholders.

  • Tune instruments on stage

    Tune instruments during a performance. Deal with the added stress and noise. Use equipment such as tuners or tune by ear.

  • Maintain sound equipment

    Set up, check, maintain and repair sound equipment for a live performance establishment.

  • Prepare instruments for performance

    Set up, connect, tune and play musical instruments for sound check before rehearsal or live performance.

  • Draw up instrument setup

    Document musical instrument setup.

  • Prepare personal work environment

    Correct settings or positions for your working instruments and adjust them before starting operations.

  • Work safely with machines

    Check and safely operate machines and equipment required for your work according to manuals and instructions.

  • Maintain musical instruments

    Check and maintain musical instruments.

  • Work with respect for own safety

    Apply the safety rules according to training and instruction and based on a solid understanding of the prevention measures and risks to your own personal health and safety.

  • Set up equipment in a timely manner

    Make sure to set up equipment according to deadlines and time schedules.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Work safely with mobile electrical systems under supervision

    Take the necessary precautions while providing temporary power distribution for performance and art facility purposes under supervision.

Optional knowledge and skills

develop professional network fit up sound on stage document your own practice tune keyboard music instruments prevent fire in a performance environment organise resources for artistic production rewire electronic musical instruments promote yourself tune up wireless audio systems tune stringed musical instruments advise client on technical possibilities keep personal administration

Source: Sisyphus ODB