Profession ICT test analyst

ICT test analysts work in testing environments, assessing products, checking for quality and accuracy, or creating tests scripts. They design tests which are then implemented by testers.

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Personality Type


  • Levels of software testing

    The levels of testing in the software development process, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing.


  • Develop ICT test suite

    Create a series of test cases to check software behaviour versus specifications. These test cases are then to be used during subsequent testing.

  • Provide software testing documentation

    Describe software testing procedures to the technical team and the analysis of test outcomes to users and clients in order to inform them about the state and efficiency of software.

  • Set quality assurance objectives

    Define quality assurance targets and procedures and see to their maintenance and continued improvement by reviewing targets, protocols, supplies, processes, equipment and technologies for quality standards.

  • Execute software tests

    Perform tests to ensure that a software product will perform flawlessly under the specified customer requirements, using specialised software tools. Apply software testing techniques and tools in order to identify software defects (bugs) and malfunctions.

  • Replicate customer software issues

    Use specialised tools to replicate and analyse the conditions that caused the set of software states or outputs reported by the customer in order to provide adequate solutions.

  • Plan software testing

    Create and supervise tests plans. Decide on allocation of resources, tools and techniques. Set testing criteria for balancing incurred risks in case of remaining defects, adapt budgets and plan additional costs.

  • Report test findings

    Report test results with a focus on findings and recommendations, differentiating results by levels of severity. Include relevant information from the test plan and outline the test methodologies, using metrics, tables, and visual methods to clarify where needed.

  • Address problems critically

    Identify the strengths and weaknesses of various abstract, rational concepts, such as issues, opinions, and approaches related to a specific problematic situation in order to formulate solutions and alternative methods of tackling the situation.

Optional knowledge and skills

use scripting programming ict project management methodologies xquery tools for ict test automation measure software usability debug software agile project management manage schedule of tasks process-based management sparql develop automated software tests ldap give live presentation lean project management mdx ict debugging tools conduct ict code review apply statistical analysis techniques decision support systems perform quality audits linq resource description framework query language query languages visual presentation techniques n1ql perform software recovery testing ict performance analysis methods

Source: Sisyphus ODB