Profession horticulture production team leader

Horticulture production team leaders are responsible for leading and working with a team. They organise daily work schedules for the production of horticulture crops and participate in the production.

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Personality Type


  • Pest control in plants

    Types and features of pests in plants and crops. Different kinds of pest control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.

  • Watering principles

    Methods, principles and systems for supplying water to land or crops by means of pipes, sprinklers, ditches or streams.

  • Plant propagation

    Types of different propagation methods, materials and seeds and their criteria for health and quality.

  • Leadership principles

    Set of traits and values which guide the actions of a leader with her/his employees and the company and provide direction throughout her/his career. These principles are also an important tool for self-evaluation to identify strengths and weaknesses, and seek self-improvement.

  • Plant disease control

    Types and features of diseases in plants and crops. Different kinds control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.

  • Fertilisation principles

    The study of plant, soil structure, climatic and environmental issues in agronomical production.

  • Types of storage facilities

    Different types of devices and facilities used to hold information and their quality criterias.

  • Crop production principles

    Principles in growing crops, the natural cycle, nursing of nature, growth conditions and principles of organic and sustainable production. Quality criterias and requirements of seeds, plants and crop.

  • Soil structure

    Diversity of soil elements and types of soil in relation to plant growth.

  • Plant species

    The variety of plants, trees and shrubs and their special characteristics. 

  • Project management principles

    Different elements and phases of project management.

  • Quality criteria for storage facilities

    Quality criteria for storage facilities such as safe locking systems, ventilation, regularly inspected fireproofing systems, etc.

  • Pruning types

    Different approached to pruning trees, such as thinning, removal, etc.

  • Plant harvest methods

    The various methods, timing and equipment involved in harvesting different crops and plants.

  • Pruning techniques

    The techniques of selectively removing parts of trees and plants to foster better growth and regeneration.

  • Horticulture principles

    The standard horticultural practices, including but not limited to planting, pruning, corrective pruning, and fertilisation.

  • Greenhouse types

    Different types of greenhouses (plastic, glass) and other horticultural facilities such as hotbed, seedbed, irrigations systems, storage and protective facilities etc.

  • Environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry

    Awareness on enviromental legislation, policies, principles relevant for agriculture and forestry. Awareness of the impact on the enviroment of local agricultural precedures and practices. Means to adjust the production to new enviromental regulations and policies.

  • Health and safety regulations

    Necessary health, safety, hygiene and environmental standards and legislation rules in the sector of particular activity.


  • Prepare planting area for planting

    Prepare planting area and soil for planting by fertilising, mulching and performing weed control. Take the conditions of the area, soil and plant type into account.

  • Execute disease and pest control activities

    Execute disease and pest control activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the climate, plant or crop type, health and safety and environmental regulations. Store and handle pesticides in accordance with recomandation and legislation.

  • Coordinate greenhouse environment

    Take care of the heating and cooling of greenhouses. Work together with the Grounds and Buildings Manager in keeping the irrigation systems and the horticultural equipment in good condition.

  • Nurse plants

    Determine the need for nursing activities and carry out nursing by cultivating, maintaining, watering and spraying the plants and trees manually or using appropriate equipment, taking into account the plant species and following safety requirements.

  • Maintain storage facilities

    Maintain or ensure the maintenance of cleaning equipment, heating or air conditioning of storage facilities and the temperature of premises.

  • Grow plants

    Carry out plant growing activities. Carry out grow control considering the required terms and conditions for specific plant type.

  • Operate horticulture equipment

    Operate horticultural equipment and assist with servicing. Ensure that vehicles are roadworthy before starting the work.

  • Store crops

    Store and preserve crops in accordance with standards and regulations to ensure their quality. Ensure that storage facilities are kept according to hyginic standards, regulating temperature, heating and air conditioning of storage facilities.

  • Supervise hygiene procedures in agricultural settings

    Ensure that hygiene procedures in agricultural settings are followed, taking into account the regulations of specific areas of action e.q. livestock, plants, local farm products, etc.

  • Harvest crop

    Mow, pick or cut agricultural products manually or using appropriate tools and machinery. Take into account the relevant quality criteria of products, hygiene prescriptions and use the appropriate methods.

  • Prune plants

    Carry out pruning with relevant tools, related to the different purposes like maintenance pruning, pruning for growth, pruning for fruiting, debudding and volume reduction.

  • Optimise production

    Analyse and identify the strengths and weaknesses of solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems; formulate and plan alternatives.

  • Make independent operating decisions

    Make immediate operating decisions as necessary without reference to others, taking into account the circumstances and any relevant procedures and legislation. Determine alone which option is the best for a particular situation.

  • Manage contracts

    Negotiate the terms, conditions, costs and other specifications of a contract while making sure they comply with legal requirements and are legally enforceable. Oversee the execution of the contract, agree on and document any changes.

  • Store products

    Store products to ensure the quality and in accordance with standards and regulations. Ensure the stock facilities are kept according to hygiene standards, regulating temperature, heating and air conditioning of storage facilities.

  • Ensure soil fertility

    Analyse soil to determine type and quantity of fertiliser required for maximum production.

  • Propagate plants

    Carry out propagation activities by applying appropriate propagation methods, such as grafted cutting propagation or generative propagation considering the plant type. Carry out propagation control considering the required terms and conditions for specific plant type.

  • Create soil and plant improvement programmes

    Develop and advise on implementation of soil health and plant nutrition programs.

  • Prepare planting area

    Prepare planting area and soil for planting by for example fertilising, mulching by hand or using mechanical tools or machinery; prepare seeds and plants for sowing and planting by ensuring the quality of seed and plants.Sow and plant by hand, using mechanical tools or machinery and in accordance with national legislation.

  • Use agricultural information systems and databases

    Use relevant information systems and databases to plan, manage and operate agricultural enterprise and production.

  • Maintain a greenhouse

    Perform maintenance work on greenhouses. Clean greenhouse windows, drains and gutters.

  • Supervise horticultural crews

    Supervise the horticultural crews by planning, assigning and evaluating their daily activities.

  • Monitor fields

    Monitor orchards, fields and production areas to forecast when crops will be fully grown. Estimate how much damage the weather may cause to crops.

Optional knowledge and skills

budgetary principles execute fertilisation develop agricultural production plans create flower arrangements provide fertilizer recommendation for flowers ecology agronomical production principles direct the preparation of food manage production enterprise provide agri-touristic services agronomy carry out work related calculations in agriculture manage agricultural staff organic farming sell flowers agricultural business management food legislation use gardening equipment prune hedges and trees place orders for flower products perform on-farm product processing customer relationship management advise customers on types of flowers recruit personnel assist equipment operation assist landscape projects manage agri-tourism activites promote farm products maintain technical equipment ensure quality control in packaging present the farm facilities select adequate packaging for food products food safety principles agritourism prepare flower arrangements food plant design handle veterinary emergencies keep task records maintain gardening equipment negotiate sales contracts pick orders of agricultural products

Source: Sisyphus ODB