Profession head of workshop

Heads of workshop coordinate specialised workshops that construct, build, prepare, adapt and maintain elements used on stage. Their work is based on artistic vision, schedules and overall production documentation. They liaise with the designers involved in the production, the production team and other services of the organisation.

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Personality Type


  • Manage supplies

    Monitor and control the flow of supplies that includes the purchase, storage and movement of the required quality of raw materials, and also work-in-progress inventory. Manage supply chain activities and synchronise supply with demand of production and customer.

  • Promote health and safety

    Promote the importance of a safe working environment. Coach and support staff to participate actively in the continuous development of a safe working environment.

  • Work safely with machines

    Check and safely operate machines and equipment required for your work according to manuals and instructions.

  • Manage schedule of tasks

    Maintain an overview of all the incoming tasks in order to prioritise the tasks, plan their execution, and integrate new tasks as they present themselves.

  • Develop project schedule

    Define the project completion stages and create a timeline. Synchronise necessary activities, taking into account the convergence of production elements. Establish a schedule.

  • Perform quality control of design during a run

    Control and ensure the quality of design results during a run.

  • Budget set costs

    Prepare set production budgets.

  • Negotiate health and safety issues with third parties

    Consult, negotiate and agree on potential risks, measures and safety procedures with third parties.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Adapt to artists' creative demands

    Work with artists, striving to understand the creative vision and adapting to it. Make full use of your talents and skills to reach the best possible result.

  • Support a designer in the developing process

    Support designers in the course of the developing process.

  • Analyse the need for technical resources

    Define and make a list of the required resources and equipment based on the technical needs of the production.

  • Lead a team

    Lead, supervise and motivate a group of people, in order to meet the expected results within a given timeline and with the foreseen resources in mind.

  • Plan workshop activity

    Plan workshop activities according to production needs.

  • Work safely with mobile electrical systems under supervision

    Take the necessary precautions while providing temporary power distribution for performance and art facility purposes under supervision.

  • Prevent fire in a performance environment

    Take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. Make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary. Make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.

  • Commission set construction

    Meet with specialised set construction companies and commission sets.

  • Consult with design team

    Discuss the project and design concepts with the design team, finalise proposals and present these to stakeholders.

  • Translate artistic concepts to technical designs

    Cooperate with the artistic team in order to facilitate the transition from the creative vision and its artistic concepts to a technical design.

  • Work with respect for own safety

    Apply the safety rules according to training and instruction and based on a solid understanding of the prevention measures and risks to your own personal health and safety.

  • Follow safety procedures when working at heights

    Take necessary precautions and follow a set of measures that assess, prevent and tackle risks when working at a high distance from the ground. Prevent endangering people working under these structures and avoid falls from ladders, mobile scaffolding, fixed working bridges, single person lifts etc. since they may cause fatalities or major injuries.

  • Work safely with chemicals

    Take the necessary precautions for storing, using and disposing chemical products.

  • Use technical documentation

    Understand and use technical documentation in the overall technical process.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • React to emergency situations in a live performance environment

    Assess and react to an emergency (fire, threat, accident or another calamity), alerting emergency services and taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to the established procedures.

  • Update budget

    Make sure that a given budget remains up to date using most recent and most accurate information. Anticipate possible variations and ensure that the set budgetary goals can be reached within the given context.

  • Plan teamwork

    Plan the working schedule of a group of people in order to meet all time and quality requirements.

  • Calculate design costs

    Calculate design costs to make sure the project is financially viable.

Optional knowledge and skills

organise training document safety actions archive documentation related to the work perform first fire intervention make set construction drawings oversee quality control use specialised design software provide documentation manage consumables stock provide first aid ensure safety of mobile electrical systems write risk assessment on performing arts production

Source: Sisyphus ODB