Profession gas station operator

Gas station operators process gases for compression, transmission or recovery by using gas, steam or electric engine compressors. They perform chemical tests on gases and are responsible for pumps and pipelines operations.

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Personality Type


  • Pipeline transport regulations;

    Know about pipeline transport regulations and their application in pipeline fields. Apply pipeline transport regulations in the construction of new sites.


  • Ensure correct gas pressure

    Ensure the necessary, usually constant, pressure of gas which is part of a machine or tool, such as torching equipment, used to process metal workpieces during metal fabrication processes.

  • Record production data

    Keep a record of data such as name, colour and quantity of the produced goods.

  • Test oxygen purity

    Test the purity and the moisture content of the processed oxygen making use of the burette moisture meter.

  • Monitor valves

    Monitor and accordingly adjust the valves in order to allow a specific amount of liquids (such as ammonia sulfuric acid or viscous soap) or steam into the mixer or machine.

  • Read gas meter

    Read gas measuring meter, recording the relevant information such as the amounts of gas dispensed and received.

  • Operate gas extraction equipment

    Operate the equipment used for oxygen and nitrogen extraction equipment such as compressors, fractionating columns, heat exchangers and purifying towers.

  • Tend compressor engine

    Tend the gas compression engines by starting them, monitoring the process of gas compression and performing small maintenance tasks.

  • Operate pumping equipment

    Operate pumping equipment; oversee gas and oil transport from wellheads to refineries or storage facilities.

  • Use chemical analysis equipment

    Use the laboratory equipment such as Atomic Absorption equimpent, PH and conductivity meters or salt spray chambre.

  • Maintain equipment

    Regularly inspect and perform all required activities to maintain the equipment in functional order prior or after its use.

  • Optimise production processes parameters

    Optimise and maintain the parameters of the production process such as flow, temperature or pressure.

Optional knowledge and skills

adhere to standard procedures clean equipment test chemical samples manage chemical testing procedures manage emergency procedures office software gas chromatography types of pipelines inspect pipelines prepare chemical samples

Source: Sisyphus ODB