Profession gas scheduling representative

Gas scheduling representatives track and control the flow of natural gas between pipelines and the distribution system, compliant with schedules and demands. They report on the natural gas flow, ensure the schedule is followed or make scheduling adaptations in case of problems to attempt to meet demands.

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  • Security requirements of goods transported via pipelines

    Know the security requirements and safety measures necessary to avoid accidents during the transportation of goods via pipelines. Ensure measures for the transport of oil and petroleum products, olefin, ammonia, CO2, hydrogen, and others.

  • Fuel distribution systems

    Know all aspects of fuel distribution systems and components such as pipeline systems, valves, pumps, filters, and fuel monitors.

  • Fuel gas

    The various qualities, hazards and applications of gaseous fuels, such as oxy-acetylene, oxy-gasoline, oxy-hydrogen and others.

  • Pipeline transport regulations;

    Know about pipeline transport regulations and their application in pipeline fields. Apply pipeline transport regulations in the construction of new sites.

  • Gas consumption

    The factors which are involved in the calculation and estimation of gas consumption in a residence or facility, and methods which can reduce the consumption of gas, or make it more efficient.


  • Mitigate environmental impact of pipeline projects

    Strive to mitigate the potential impact that pipelines and the goods transported in them can have on the environment. Invest time and resources into consideration of the environmental effects of the pipeline, the actions that could be taken to protect the environment, and the potential increase in the costs of the project.

  • Ensure regulatory compliance in pipeline infrastructures

    Ensure that the regulations for pipeline operations are met. Ensure pipeline infrastructure compliance with legal mandates, and compliance with regulations governing the transportation of goods via the pipelines.

  • Perform follow-up on pipeline route services

    Perform follow-up activities related to the plan, the distribution schedule, and the service yielded by the pipeline infrastructure. Ensure that pipeline route assignments are accomplished and meet customer agreements.

  • Supervise gas distribution operations

    Supervise the activities of a gas distribution facility and the operation of gas distribution systems, such as pipelines, in order to ensure compliance with legislation, efficient operations, and that the equipment is properly handled and maintained.

  • Report on fuel distribution incidents

    Compose forms on the findings of pumping system temperature and water level checks etc.; produce reports detailing any problems or incidents that occurred.

  • Ensure compliance with gas distribution schedule

    Monitor the operations of a gas distribution facility and gas distribution systems in order to ensure that the distribution goals and the gas supply demands are met.

  • Adapt energy distribution schedules

    Monitor the procedures involved in the distribution of energy in order to assess whether energy supply must be increased or decreased depending on changes in demand, and incorporate these changes into the distribution schedule. Ensure that the changes are complied with.

Optional knowledge and skills

read gas meter ensure maintenance of fuel distribution facilities monitor valves types of pipelines analyse route possibilities in pipeline projects ensure correct gas pressure ensure compliance with environmental legislation identify energy needs develop gas distribution schedule test pipeline infrastructure operations perform pipeline routing studies ensure equipment maintenance

Source: Sisyphus ODB