Profession gaming dealer

Gaming dealers operate table games. They stand behind the game table and operate games of chance by dispensing the appropriate number of cards to players, or operating other gaming equipment. They also distribute winnings, or collect players' money or chips.

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Personality Type


  • Responsible gambling

    The proper behaviour when participating in a gambling game such as how to be aware of others people's reactions and why people act and react as they do.

  • Casino policies

    The policies and requirements that govern the activities of a casino.

  • Casino game rules

    The rules and principles that govern the different games played within a casino.


  • Deal cards

    Deal cards to house hands; compare these hands with players' hands to determine winners, in games such as Blackjack. Operate gaming table and deal the appropriate number of cards to each player.

  • Promote company

    To always try to project the company in the best possible light and to go the extra mile to ensure the best possible experience at the club by staff and customers alike. To explain and actively promote all club activities to customers.

  • Report to gaming manager

    Report incidents such as giving signs to other players and laundering money to the gaming manager without necessarily disturbing the gaming process.

  • Conduct gambling games

    To be technically competent in dealing with all games within the casino; to carry out all Gaming operations, including table administration, opening and closing procedures and the soft count operation and be competent with the required standard and in line with requisite regulations.

  • Follow ethical code of conduct of gambling

    Follow the rules and ethical code used in gambling, betting and lottery. Keep the entertainment of players in mind.

  • Maintain game area

    Maintain cleanliness and overall safety of gaming and working areas.

  • Take care of personal appearance

    Project the correct professional image by ensuring personal appearance is always of the highest standard. Select proper outfit and overall image and outlook; make daily efforts to build a good impression.

  • Follow safety precautions in a gaming room

    Follow the safety rules concerning gaming rooms to ensure the safety and the pleausure of the gamers, personnel and other by-standers.

  • Show good manners with players

    Be polite and show good manners towards players, by-standers and other audience.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Operate games

    Acknowledge and greet all customers to the gaming tables, be fully conversant with the rules and company procedures of all games within the casino; give clear and confident commentary throughout all games and maintain the required level of table security, ensuring that any problems are brought to the attention of the table inspector; control games by pacing them accordingly with regard to ‘chip’ volume and customer and business needs; demonstrate awareness of customers and their mode of play, responding to their requests where appropriate; explain fully the rules of games to customers, recognising when customers require help and provide assistance in a positive manner.

  • Show diplomacy

    Deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

  • Attract gamers

    Attract customers to the casino games and engage with them.

  • Focus on service

    Actively look for efficient ways to help people.

  • Communicate with customers

    Respond to and communicate with customers in the most efficient and appropriate manner to enable them to access the desired products or services, or any other help they may require.

  • Participate in games for player distribution

    Participate in casino games to ensure the minimum amount of players at a given table.

  • Train dealers

    Instruct and teach new dealers about the description of their job and introduce them to the team.

  • Redistribute wagered money

    Pay winnings and collect losing bets as established by the rules and procedures of a specific game.

Optional knowledge and skills

compute results of games exchange money for chips apply gaming psychology deal with public apply knowledge of human behaviour manage personal professional development adapt to changing situations

Source: Sisyphus ODB