Profession freight transport dispatcher

Freight transport dispatchers receive and transmit reliable messages, track vehicles and equipment, and record other important information. They oversee the planning operations of dispatching by coordinating different modes of transport. Freight transport dispatchers structure routes or services and determine the appropriate mode of transport. They are also responsible for equipment and vehicle maintenance and workers dispatching. The freight transport dispatchers provide the legal and contractual documentation for the transporting parties.

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Personality Type


  • Freight transport methods

    Understand different modalities of transport such as air, sea, or intermodal freight transport. Specialise in one of the modalities and possess a deeper knowledge of the details and procedures of that modality.

  • Road transport legislation

    Know road transport regulations at regional, national, and European level in matters of safety and environmental requirements.

  • Geographic areas

    Know the geographic area in detail; know where different organisations carry out operations.


  • Prepare transportation routes

    Prepare routes by chosing the best possible way and foresee adjustments in case of need, by providing additional running time or adapting capacity and timing in response to changes in circumstances, thereby ensuring an efficient use of resources and achievement of customer relations goals.

  • Manage truck drivers

    Manage the operational performance of truck drivers.

  • Apply transportation management concepts

    Apply transport industry management concepts in order to improve transportation processes, reduce waste, increase efficiency, and improve schedule preparation.

  • Supervise crew

    Supervise and observe the behaviour of employees.

  • Communicate verbal instructions

    Communicate transparent instructions. Ensure that messages are understood and followed correctly.

  • Schedule and dispatch drivers

    Schedule and dispatch drivers, working equipment and service vehicles to desired locations as requested by customers; use telephone or radio communication.

  • Manage dispatch software systems

    Manage dispatch software systems to execute tasks such as work order generation, route planning, and other activities.

  • Conduct analysis of ship data

    Collect information from a vessel's management software and cross reference it to analyse the data from different points of view. Analyse data and apply judgement to inform decision-making.

  • Monitor vehicle fleet operations

    Monitor the operations of the vehicle fleet; track delays and identify repair needs; analyse fleet information to develop and implement improvement actions.

  • Manage fleet capacity

    Manage the existing fleet, its availability and carrying capacity in order to schedule itineraries.

  • Keep task records

    Organise and classify records of prepared reports and correspondence related to the performed work and progress records of tasks.

  • Work in a water transport team

    Work confidently in a group in water transport services, in which each individual operates in their own area of responsibility to reach a common goal, such as a good customer interaction, maritime safety, and ship maintenance.

  • Make independent operating decisions

    Make immediate operating decisions as necessary without reference to others, taking into account the circumstances and any relevant procedures and legislation. Determine alone which option is the best for a particular situation.

Optional knowledge and skills

warehouse operations intermodalism organise information statistics handle intermodal equipment stay alert have computer literacy intermodal options

Source: Sisyphus ODB