Profession food grader

Food graders inspect, sort and grade food products. They grade food products according to sensory criteria or with the help of machinery. They determine the product's use by grading them into the appropriate classes and discarding damaged or expired foods. Food graders measure and weigh the products and report their findings so the food can be further processed.

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Personality Type


  • Food safety standards

    Food safety standards (i.e. ISO 22000) developed by the recognised organisations for Standardization dealing with food safety. For example, the ISO 22000 international standard specifies the requirements for an effective food safety management system. It covers interactive communication, system management, prerequisite programs and HACCP principles.

  • Legislation about animal origin products

    The applicable legal rules on temperature, waste materials, traceability, labelling, trading, and the transport of animal origin products. 

  • Quality assurance methodologies

    Quality assurance principles, standard requirements, and the set of processes and activities used for measuring, controlling and ensuring the quality of products and processes.

  • Risks associated to physical, chemical, biological hazards in food and beverages

    Interpretation of laboratory tests for parameters affecting food safety taking into account risks associated with physical, chemical, and biological hazards in food and beverages.

  • Functional properties of foods

    Structure, quality, nutritional value and/or acceptability of a food product. A food functional property is determined by physical, chemical and/or organoleptic properties of a food. Examples of a functional property may include solubility, absorption, water retention, frothing ability, elasticity, and absorptive capacity for fats and foreign particles.  

  • Food and beverage industry

    The respective industry and the processes involved in the food and beverage industry, such as raw material selection, processing, packaging, and storage.

  • Food science

    The study of the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food and the scientific concepts underlying food processing and nutrition.

  • Food materials

    Quality and range of raw materials, half finished products and end products of a specific food sector.

  • Food product ingredients

    Technical features of the formulation of ingredients for food products.

  • Food safety principles

    Scientific background of food safety which includes preparation, handling, and storage of food to minimise the risk of foodborne illness and other health hazards.

  • Food preservation

    Deterioration factors, controlling factors (temperature, additives, humidity, pH, water activity, etc., including packaging) and food processing methods to preserve food products.

  • Processes of foods and beverages manufacturing

    Raw materials and production processes for getting finished food products. Importance of quality control and other techniques for the food and beverage industry.

  • Food legislation

    Legislation related to the food and feed industry including food manufacturing, hygiene, safety, raw materials, additives, GMOs, labelling, environmental and trade regulations.

  • Food storage

    The proper conditions and methods to store food to keep it from spoiling, taking into account humidity, light, temperature and other environmental factors.


  • Perform quality audits

    Execute regular, systematic and documented examinations of a quality system for verifying conformity with a standard based on objective evidence such as the implementation of processes, effectiveness in achieving quality goals and reduction and elimination of quality problems.

  • Work independently in service of a food production process

    Work individually as an important element in service of a food production process. This function is executed individually with little or no supervision or collaboration with colleagues.

  • Apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages

    Apply and follow national, international, and internal requirements quoted in standards, regulations and other specifications related with manufacturing of food and beverages.

  • Keep up-to-date with regulations

    Maintain up-to-date knowledge of current regulations and apply this knowledge in specific sectors.

  • Ensure correct goods labelling

    Ensure that goods are labeled with all necessary labeling information (e.g. legal, technological, hazardous and others) regarding the product. Ensure that labels respects the legal requirements and adhere to regulations.

  • Grade foods

    Sort and grade food products according to sensory criteria such as size, weight or appearance by hand or with the help of machines. Grade the foods into appropriate classes to be further processed.

  • Perform sensory evaluation

    Evaluate the quality of a given type of food or beverage based on its appearance, smell, taste, aroma, and others. Suggest possible improvements and comparisons with other products.

  • Store raw food materials

    Keep in reserve raw materials and other food supplies, following stock control procedures.

  • Perform food safety checks

    Carry out food safety checks in order to assure compliance with requirements, regulations, and other good food manufacturing practices.

  • Perform food risk analysis

    Perform food risks analysis for food safety assurance.

  • Assess quality characteristics of food products

    Assess quality characteristics of food products in terms of the main properties (e.g. physical, sensorial, chemical, technological, etc.) for raw materials, half-finished products, as well as finish products.

  • Work in a food processing team

    Collaborate in a team with other food processing professionals in service of the food and beverages industry.

  • Assess nutritional characteristics of food

    Assess nutritional characteristics of food for human consumption for a better healthy diet.

  • Manage time in food processing operations

    Assure a correct management of time and resources using appropriate planning methods.

  • Prepare visual data

    Prepare charts and graphs in order to present data in a visual manner.

Optional knowledge and skills

write work-related reports provide food labelling expertise develop standard operating procedures in the food chain advise food processing professionals advise on food preservation apply scientific methods perform detailed food processing operations analyse samples of food and beverages identify hazards in the workplace handle communications in the food processing industry measure precise food processing operations follow hygienic procedures during food processing exert quality control to processing food keep up with innovations in food manufacturing

Source: Sisyphus ODB