Profession food biotechnologist

Food biotechnologists study the life cycle of food from its preservation up to the spoilage and the food-borne pathogens. They research and understand food-borne diseases in order to prevent them. They ensure that food products abide by government regulations regarding food health and safety.

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Personality Type


  • Food safety principles

    Scientific background of food safety which includes preparation, handling, and storage of food to minimise the risk of foodborne illness and other health hazards.

  • Food legislation

    Legislation related to the food and feed industry including food manufacturing, hygiene, safety, raw materials, additives, GMOs, labelling, environmental and trade regulations.

  • Foodborne diseases

    Understand foodborne illnesses and poisoning as to prevent public health problems.

  • Food toxicity

    The causes of food poisoning and spoilage, and the preservation methods of food products so as to prevent toxicity from customers.

  • Food preservation

    Deterioration factors, controlling factors (temperature, additives, humidity, pH, water activity, etc., including packaging) and food processing methods to preserve food products.

  • Laboratory-based sciences

    Laboratory based sciences such as biology, chemistry, physics, integrated science or advanced laboratory science.

  • Biotechnology

    The technology that uses, modifies or harnesses biological systems, organisms and cellular components to develop new technologies and products for specific uses.

  • Fermentation processes of beverages

    Fermentation processes related to the conversion of sugar to alcohol, gases and acids. 

  • Food products composition

    Chemical and nutritional composition of food products, which enables the modification of existing products and processes and the development of new ones.

  • Food storage

    The proper conditions and methods to store food to keep it from spoiling, taking into account humidity, light, temperature and other environmental factors.

  • Fermentation processes of food

    Conversion of carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process happens using bacteria or yeasts, or a combination of the two under anaerobic conditions. Food fermentation is also involved in the process of leavening bread and the process of producing lactic acid in foods such as dry sausages, sauerkraut, yogurt, pickles, and kimchi.

  • Food and beverage industry

    The respective industry and the processes involved in the food and beverage industry, such as raw material selection, processing, packaging, and storage.

  • Legislation about animal origin products

    The applicable legal rules on temperature, waste materials, traceability, labelling, trading, and the transport of animal origin products. 

  • Enzymatic processing

    Enzymatic processes used in food production as well as in other industrial biotechnological processes.

  • Ingredient threats

    Ingredients  and potential risks which could damage humans, the flora and the fauna. Functions in ingredient formulas.

  • Food product ingredients

    Technical features of the formulation of ingredients for food products.

  • Quality assurance methodologies

    Quality assurance principles, standard requirements, and the set of processes and activities used for measuring, controlling and ensuring the quality of products and processes.

  • Food allergies

    The types of food allergies within the sector, which substances trigger allergies, and how they can be replaced or eliminated (if possible).

  • Pathogenic microorganisms in food

    The identification and characteristics of pathogenic micro-organisms in food and the adequate prevention methods to inhibit its reproduction in food materials.

  • Food science

    The study of the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food and the scientific concepts underlying food processing and nutrition.


  • Apply GMP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  • Ensure public safety and security

    Implement the relevant procedures, strategies and use the proper equipment to promote local or national security activities for the protection of data, people, institutions, and property.

  • Monitor developments used for food industry

    Identifying and exploring developments and innovation in technology and materials in the food industry.

  • Prepare visual data

    Prepare charts and graphs in order to present data in a visual manner.

  • Perform microbiological analysis in the food chain

    Perform analysis to detect different types of microorganisms, such as bacteria, moulds and yeasts in the food chain.

  • Improve chemical processes

    Collect data required to make improvements or modifications to chemical processes. Develop new industrial processes, design new process plants/equipment or modify existing ones.

  • Perform food risk analysis

    Perform food risks analysis for food safety assurance.

  • Detect microorganisms

    Use various laboratory methods and tools such as gene amplification and sequencing to detect and identify microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi in soil, air, and water samples.

  • Identify the factors causing changes in food during storage

    Recognize the most relevant factors (chemical, physical, environmental etc) that can alter the food during its storage

  • Lead process optimisation

    Lead process optimisation using statistical data. Design experiments on the production line and functional process control models.

  • Manage discarded products

    Manage production stops due to insufficient product quality and manage associated waste issues within the scope of good manufacturing practices.

  • Keep up with innovations in food manufacturing

    Latest innovative products and technologies to process, preserve, package and improve food products.

  • Apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages

    Apply and follow national, international, and internal requirements quoted in standards, regulations and other specifications related with manufacturing of food and beverages.

  • Apply HACCP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

  • Operate microscope

    Operate a microscope, an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye to see.

  • Monitor processing conditions

    Observe gauges, video monitors, and printouts to assess if specified processing conditions are in place. Make the necessary adjustments to process variables such as times, inputs, flow rates and temperature settings.

  • Manage food manufacturing laboratory

    Manage laboratory activities in the plant or factory and using the data to monitor the quality of manufactured products.

  • Analyse samples of food and beverages

    Examine if food or beverages are safe for human consumption. Verify the right levels of key ingredients and the correctness of the label declarations and the levels of nutrients present. Ensure samples of food and beverages comply to specific standards or procedures.

  • Follow-up lab results

    Analyse lab results and apply them by adapting the production process. Report, review and take appropriate measures if necessary.

Optional knowledge and skills

statistics ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production assess haccp implementation in plants food materials adjust production schedule food safety standards apply food technology principles apply scientific methods risks associated to physical, chemical, biological hazards in food and beverages follow laboratory manuals assess shelf life of food products be at ease in unsafe environments analyse work-related written reports carry out environmental audits ensure quality of final product carry out training in environmental matters check quality of products on the production line assess food samples participate in the development of new food products develop new food products collect briefing regarding products write work-related reports develop standard operating procedures in the food chain apply preservation treatments monitor the production line keep up-to-date with regulations perform quality audits

Source: Sisyphus ODB