Profession fisheries observer

Fisheries observers record and report on fishing activity and the level of compliance and enforcement of conservation measures in force in the work area by controlling the position of the vessel, the use of the fishing gear and the catch. They provide the reports required for the scientific monitoring of the fishing area, provide policy advice and plan and coordinate activities.

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Personality Type


  • Deterioration of fish products

    Process of decomposition and spoilage of fish products: physical, enzymatic, microbiological and chemical processes occurring after harvesting.

  • Fish anatomy

    The study of the form or morphology of fish species.

  • Fisheries management

    The principles, methods and equipment used in population management applied to fisheries: the concept of catch, by-catch, fishing effort, maximum sustainable yield, different sampling methods and how to use sampling material.

  • Risks associated with undertaking fishing operations

    General risks occuring when working on fishing boats and specific risks occurring only in some fishing modalities. Prevention of threats and accidents.

  • Fishing vessels

    Denomination of the different elements and equipment of fishing vessels.

  • International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

    The fundamental principals and requirements laid in the International Regulation for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL): Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil, Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk, prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form, Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships, Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships, Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships.

  • Fisheries legislation

    The study and analysis of different fisheries management approaches taking into account international treaties and industry norms in order to analyze fisheries management regulations. 

  • Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

    Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the guidelines established for professional fishers.

  • Quality of fish products

    Factors affecting the quality of fish products. For instance, differences between species, impact of the fishing gears and parasite influence on the preservation of quality.

  • Pollution prevention

    The processes used to prevent pollution: precautions to pollution of the environment, procedures to counter pollution and associated equipment, and possible measures to protect the environment.

  • International regulations for preventing collisions at sea

    Fundamental aspects of the international regulations to prevent collisions at sea, such as the conduct of vessels in sight of one another, navigation lights and markers, major light and accoustic signals, maritime signalling and buoys.

  • Fishing gear

    Identification of the different gear used in capture fisheries and their functional capacity.


  • Handle fish products

    Handle fish with care and hygiene required to maintain quality. Adequately prepare fish products for storage.

  • Work in outdoor conditions

    Can cope with the different climate conditions such as heat, rain, cold or in strong wind.

  • Extinguish fires

    Choose the adequate substances and methods to extinguish fires depending on their size, such as water and various chemical agents. Use a breathing apparatus.

  • Survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment

    Identify muster signals and what emergencies they signal. Comply with established procedures. Don and use a lifejacket or an immersion suit. Safely jump into the water from a height. Swim and right an inverted liferaft while wearing a swim while wearing a lifejacket. Keep afloat without a lifejacket. Board a survival craft from the ship, or from the water while wearing a lifejacket. Take initial actions on boarding survival craft to enhance chance of survival. Stream a drogue or sea-anchor. Operate survival craft equipment. Operate location devices, including radio equipment.

Source: Sisyphus ODB