Profession event manager

Event managers plan and oversee events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, cultural events, exhibitions, formal parties, concerts, or conventions.\ They organise every stage of the events planning the venues, staff, suppliers, media, insurances all within the allocated budgetary and time limits. Event managers ensure the legal obligations are followed and the expectations of the target audience are met. They work together with the marketing team in promoting the event, searching new clients and gathering constructive feedback after the events took place.

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Personality Type


  • Develop event topics

    List and develop relevant event topics and choose featured speakers.

  • Arrange event needs

    Ensure that event needs such as audio-visual equipment, displays or transportation are met.

  • Evaluate events

    Evaluate the success of recently organised events, making recommendations to improve future events.

  • Supervise event staff

    Select, train and supervise volunteers and support staff required for events.

  • Review event bills

    Check event bills and proceed with the payments.

  • Direct event administrative details

    Direct administrative tasks that go with an upcoming event, such as financial operations, dissemination of promotional materials.

  • Confer with event staff

    Communicate with staff members at a chosen event site to coordinate details.

  • Plan events

    Plan programmes, agendas, budgets, and services of an event according to customers' requirements.

  • Organise event participants' registration

    Organise the official registration of event participants.

  • Monitor event activities

    Monitor event activities to ensure that regulations and laws are followed, look after satisfaction of participants, and resolve any problems arise.

  • Coordinate events

    Lead events by managing budget, logistics, event support, security, emergency plans and follow up.

  • Inspect event facilities

    Coordinate event facilities acording to customer demands.

  • Negotiate contracts with event providers

    Negotiate contracts with service providers for an upcoming event, such as hotels, convention centres, and speakers.

  • Maintain event records

    Maintain records of every administrative aspect of an upcoming event, including financial details.

  • Work with respect for own safety

    Apply the safety rules according to training and instruction and based on a solid understanding of the prevention measures and risks to your own personal health and safety.

Optional knowledge and skills

determine event objectives liaise with event sponsors solicit event publicity document safety actions obtain event permits select event providers write risk assessment on performing arts production

Source: Sisyphus ODB