Profession dramaturge

Dramaturges read new plays and works and propose them to the stage director and/or art council of a theatre. They gather documentation on the work, author, problems addressed, times and described environments. They also participate in the analysis of themes, characters, dramatic construction, etc.

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Personality Type


  • Personal directing styles

    Understand and analyse the behaviour of specific directors.


  • Analyse the scenography

    Analyse the selection and distribution of material elements on a stage.

  • Advise on historical context

    Advise on the historical context of a production, including historical facts, and contemporary styles.

  • Interpret performance concepts in the creative process

    Learn and research a part, in personal and collective research and rehearsal, build an acting performance respecting the concept of the show.

  • Conduct background research for plays

    Research historical backgrounds and artistic concepts of plays.

  • Work with an artistic team

    Work closely with directors, fellow actors and playwrights to find the ideal interpretation to a role.

  • Study play productions

    Research how a play has been interpreted in other productions.

  • Analyse theatre texts

    Understand and analyse theatre texts; take an active part in the interpretation of the artistic project; conduct thorough personal research in textual material and dramaturgy.

  • Create theatre workbooks

    Create a stage workbook for the director and the actors and work extensively with the director prior to the first rehearsal.

  • Do historical research

    Use scientific methods to research history and culture.

  • Discuss plays

    Study and discuss stage performances with other stage professionals.

  • Define performance concepts

    Elucidate performance concepts, such as texts and scores for performers.

Optional knowledge and skills

synthesise research publications manage writing administration speak different languages evaluate writings in response to feedback preserve documentation about creative process stimulate creativity in the team coordinate with creative departments work in an international environment show intercultural awareness consult team on creative project draw up reference documents for performance adjust the work during the creative process adapt to artists' creative demands create script for artistic production draw up rehearsal notes develop creative ideas study relevant writing

Source: Sisyphus ODB