Profession domestic housekeeper

A domestic housekeeper works in a private household and is responsible for any housekeeping personnel. The housekeeper makes sure different household tasks are organized and carried out. Examples are making sure supplies needed to keep the household running are purchased and checked, and managing any supporting personnel.

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Personality Type

Tasks domestic housekeeper

  • a private household
  • out household tasks
  • housekeeping personnel
  • care of inventory

Related professions housekeeping

  • Butler
  • Domestic help (private homes)
  • First line supervisor of housekeeping workers
  • Hand launderer or presser
  • Housekeeper in hotels, offices or other establishments
  • Housekeeping department manager
  • Lavatory attendant


  • Cleaning techniques

    Various techniques and tools used to clean different types of surfaces to achieve a certain degree of cleanliness such as sweeping, vacuuming, degreasing and wet cleaning.


  • Supervise housekeeping operations

    Oversee the day-to-day service and cleaning of rooms and public areas to ensure continuous operations.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Wash the laundry

    Wash or clean clothes by hand or by use of a washing machine.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Buy groceries

    Purchase ingredients, products and tools that are necessary for daily housekeeping activities.

  • Maintain personal hygiene standards

    Preserve impeccable personal hygiene standards and have a tidy appearance.

  • Handle chemical cleaning agents

    Ensure proper handling, storage and disposal of cleaning chemicals in accordance with regulations.

  • Maintain inventory of cleaning supplies

    Follow the stock of cleaning materials, order new material when the stock is empty and closely follow their usage to maintain a constant supply.

  • Perform dusting activities

    Remove dust from furniture, blinds and windowsills using specialised dust cloths or hand-cleaning items.

  • Monitor kitchen supplies

    Oversee stock levels for supplies used in the kitchen. Report to the appropriate person.

  • Iron textiles

    Press and iron in order to shape or flatten textiles giving them their final finishing appearance. Iron by hand or with steam pressers.

  • Order supplies

    Command products from relevant suppliers to get convenient and profitable products to purchase.

  • Make the beds

    Clean sheets, turn mattresses, plump pillows and change cushions.

  • Prioritise tasks

    Organise tasks according to their priority.

  • Maintain cleaning equipment

    Clean and preserve the equipment and material used for cleaning purposes in a proper state.

  • Vacuum surfaces

    Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and small particles from floors, drapes, carpets or furniture.

  • Clean rooms

    Clean rooms by cleaning glasswork and windows, polishing furniture, vacuuming carpets, scrubing hard floors, and removing garbage.

  • Store kitchen supplies

    Keep delivered kitchen supplies for future use safely and hygienically according to guidelines.

  • Satisfy customers

    Communicate with customers and make them feel satisfied.

  • Clean surfaces

    Disinfect surfaces in accordance with sanitary standards.

  • Control of expenses

    Monitoring and maintaining effective cost controls, in regards to efficiencies, waste, overtime and staffing. Assessing excesses and strives for efficiency and productivity.

Optional knowledge and skills

teach housekeeping skills manage cleaning activities organise wine cellar polish silverware disseminate messages to people clean household linens assist clients with special needs provide dog walking services use cooking techniques promote human rights tend to elderly people follow written instructions support children's wellbeing collect mail give instructions to staff maintain gardening equipment serve beverages assist children with homework use food preparation techniques communicate with youth attend to children's basic physical needs handle linen in stock perform cleaning activities in an outdoor environment dietary regimes arrange special events supervise children lawn care oversee maintenance work serve food in table service clean glass surfaces feed pets manage staff wash the dishes greet guests control minor maintenance dispose waste

Source: Sisyphus ODB