Profession digital artist

Digital artists create art which applies digital technology as an essential part of the creative process. Digital art is usually created using computers or more specialised digital equipment. It may be enjoyed using the same instruments, shared over the internet, or presented using more traditional media.

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Personality Type


  • Labour legislation

    Legislation, on a national or international level, that governs labour conditions in various fields between labour parties such as the government, employees, employers, and trade unions.

  • Intellectual property law

    The regulations that govern the set of rights protecting products of the intellect from unlawful infringement.

  • Art history

    The history of art and artists, the artistic trends throughout centuries and their contemporary evolutions.


  • Develop animations

    Design and develop visual animations using creativity and computer skills. Make objects or characters appear lifelike by manipulating light, colour, texture, shadow, and transparency, or manipulating static images to give the illusion of motion.

  • Contextualise artistic work

    Identify influences and situate your work within a specific trend which may be of an artistic, aesthetic, or philosophical natures. Analyse the evolution of artistic trends, consult experts in the field, attend events, etc.

  • Create pen-and-paper images

    Draw pen-and-paper images and prepare them to be edited, scanned, coloured, textured and digitally animated.

  • Monitor developments in technology used for design

    Identify and explore recent developments in technology and materials used in the live performance industry, in order to create an up-to-date technical background for one’s personal design work.

  • Have computer literacy

    Utilise computers, IT equipment and modern day technology in an efficient way.

  • Develop design concept

    Research information to develop new ideas and concepts for the design of a specific production. Read scripts and consult directors and other production staff members, in order to develop design concepts and plan productions.

  • Create digital images

    Create and process two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital images depicting animated objects or illustrating a process, using computer animation or modelling programs.

  • Convert into animated object

    Convert real objects into visual animation elements, using animation techniques such as optical scanning.

  • Confer on artwork

    Introduce and discuss the nature and content of art work, achieved or to be produced with an audience, art directors, catalogue editors, journalists, and other parties of interest.

  • Use specialised design software

    Developing new designs mastering specialised software.

  • Define artistic approach

    Define your own artistic approach by analysing your previous work and your expertise, identifying the components of your creative signature, and starting from these explorations to describe your artistic vision.

  • Gather reference materials for artwork

    Gather samples of the materials you expect to use in the creation process, especially if the desired piece of art necessitates the intervention of qualified workers or specific production processes.

Optional knowledge and skills

develop artistic project budgets participate in artistic mediation activities develop educational activities present exhibition prepare digital art for master photograph operate 3d computer graphics software develop educational resources keep personal administration design materials for multimedia campaigns assess conservation needs plan art educational activities

Source: Sisyphus ODB